
Manx Genealogy

Re: Brew / JOUGHIN Andreas
In Response To: Re: Frederick Brew ()

Hi Robert,

You wrote:
"AS to the Joughins of Andreas, my mother’s mother was Christiana Corrin, her mother was Mary Ann Joughin born 1835 in Peel, her father was John Joughin, (1803-1868) a Peel man who owned a fishing lugger and was the father of John Joughin MHK the owner of the Peel fgishing net factory,. John Senior’s parents were Philip Joughin of Andreas (the 1770 one, as there was another one of 1768), who married CHristian Lace. Philip’s father seems to have been John Joughin of leodest, Andreas bap 30-08-1716; who married Ann(e) Joughin (bap 9-5-1731, and bd 22-2-1785 Andreas. I believe her parents were Charles Joughin ( bap Dec 1701, who married Mary Cleator on 13-11-1722. It will be interesting to see of Frederick Brew’s Joughins tie in with any of these groups !!"

Yes, Alice Joughin [1764-1799] who married Patrick BREW [b.1751-1833] was the daughter of John JOUGHIN [1716-1788] of Leodest/Lettis and his wife (no relation) Ann JOUGHIN bapt.9 May 1731, d.1785, daur of Charles JOUGHIN and Mary CLEATER.
There were two completely separate Andreas Joughin families (separate until this marriage), which have been muddled and combined on various online family trees and charts.

I put information about this family on the BB for someone else in 2007, and the early part applies to the above John.
See: www.isle-of-man.com/cgi-bin/interests/genealogy/bulletin/index.pl?noframes;read=519378
Down to:
"4. John bapt. 3 Aug 1716, of Leodist, d.1788 (I have his descendants' records, if interested)".

And a followup at www.isle-of-man.com/cgi-bin/interests/genealogy/bulletin/index.pl?noframes;read=519637 which has later information including Philip b.1770 married Christian Lace with a "?". As they married in German I hadn't searched that parish register to see whether Philip was recorded as from Andreas? Could you post the marriage details please, and bapt dates etc for the descendants? Do you have Philip's burial date and will? Which parish?

I also put some information about the Charles Joughin/Mary Cleater family at:
