
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Manx Royal Lineage
In Response To: Re: Manx Royal Lineage ()

"Cuzin" Bill!!

Thanks Cuzin for your kindness "biggestgrin"

Cuzin Bill, somehow I feel it is the other way round actually... methinks the British Kings and Queens made themselves off the backs of all of those of the seemingly "lower" classes (in their estimation that is) through having them slaved to work their a''ses off while they (those too high up in the ranks to work) party-ed and drank themselves under the tables.........and you know what, they still do to this day!!!!! And this from one of two British colonies and who here in the IOM is "subject" to the current Queen as a Lord .....mmmmmmm ...a gender identity crisis here, me thinks!!

You know, cuzin, I don't go along with class system actually including royalty, but it makes interesting reading/learning about them if you want a great story of intrigue and family dysfunction and all that jazz....if I was invited to Buck House in London to meet the Queen (like puss in boots perhaps!!) then (and this is my favourite line with all those royalists out there) I would go up to her, put out my hand of encouragement and say to her Lizzie, meet your Kiwi/Aussie/Manx cousin Lizzie.....no curtsey from this babe!! Sooooooo....you will gather I don't hold royalty with much high regard.....societal parasites they are I feel...

I actually feel the one's closest to real life are far more interesting.....like me and many/most on this board.......those of us who have and are REALLY lived and living life....

If you want a great read, check out a book I just read which gives details that those of us with British royal lineage (cough-cough) who can possibly claim relationship with Jesus Christ and thus go back to King David and beyond of biblical fame, many of whom it is said have visited the ancient land of Albion (Britain) way back when and married into British royalty of the earliest variety many times over!! whoohoo!!

A new publication it is, by Barry Dunford from Perthshire, Scotland, called VISION OF ALBION - THE KEY TO THE HOLY GRAIL - Jesus, Mary Magdalene and the Christ Family in the Holy Land of Britain....very well researched and referenced....and lots of genealogical info........some proven, some not...but an interesting if at times a heavy read

Having done my family history for almost 25 years Cuzin, (retired back on '04) I found it far more interesting to do my Manx/Scottish and German/Swiss research than my English heritage.....and by far, much more personally meaningful....I don't get too hung up on being of royal descent (or perhaps decent or should that be dissent!!) as by now you have probably gathered, for after all, they, the royals - and that you and me cuz!!-, are just humans like the rest with all the foibles and dysfunctions that going along with being human....

Oh and btw, just to let you know I am even of American stock... my paternal grandfather was born in Texas....now does that make me related to George W Bush.... who is also of British royalty (as most US presidents have been).... geez I hope not!!

Oh well, such is life in this great land of Mann....

Cheers mate....

Your Cuzin

(Queen/Princess/Lady/Dame - depends which day of the week it is as to which title I choose to go by!!!) Liz of Gansey

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