
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

In Response To: Re: 1833 LOCATIONS ()

we took photographs of ivy cottages, and at the time i thought this all did not look right , so i came home and telephoned the previous occupiers, the deeds they had did not mntion a cain nor a public inn, infact she has lived in the same area all her life and knows all who lived around there, she has not heard of any where being an inn, anyway i was looking at the dudly [ i know i have spelt it wrong ] paper and it says elizabeth cain whos father had the inn and it was between laxey and douglas, now this is a diffrent thing because it is not in the same boundery, between laxey and douglas are area,s Baldrine, Lonan onchan then douglas, e-mail and let me know what you want me to try and find out at museum, do you know elizabeths fathers first name,