
Manx Genealogy

Re: Pendlebury
In Response To: Re: Pendlebury ()

Hi Everyone and hello Barbara, hope you are well!
I have just picked up this thread as work has kept me away from my FH research for a while. James Pendlebury (1834-97) was my gt gt grandfather, his son Jabez was my gt grandfather, Priscilla Ann Pendlebury my grandmother. As I have only just found your exchanges over breakfast I do not have all my research details to hand to check if I can contribute more.
Daniel - I visited your gt grandmother Edit before she left IOM for Australia. My mother (June) remembers visiting your nan the day she was born and I have agreed with her to contact you by email and share her email address. I do not have too many details but have her name recorded as Edith Mary Vick, born 1901 and that she lived in Peel before marrying Thomas (I am told not far from where Tommy Teare lived her future brother-in-law by marriage to Thomas's sister Lily Pendlebury). I was bridesmaid to your gt uncle Roy and Aunt Doreen Pendlebury! I will send you an email with more details.