
Manx Genealogy

Re: Pendlebury
In Response To: Re: pendlebury ()

Hi, my name is Dan and ive just stumbled upon this thread when trying to dig up a little bit more about my family history.i have just turned 18 and my nan gave me a ring from the isle of man mint, from the year of my birth which really got me thinking about my roots. I have been reading over your previous posts and i think they are related to my family, i dont know much but i recognize alot of familiar names. my nanas maiden name was Doreen Priscilla Pendlebury and from what she has told me her father was Thomas Gale Pendlebury. if i read your research correctly it says he married a woman named elizabeth but my nan says her mothers name was Edith, if thats helpful at all. but perhaps it was just a nickname?? anyway i was really excited to find out about my nans grandparents and i was just wondering whether, if you knew anymore inofrmation you could send me some details or even a basic family tree. im at wilde.daniel@rocketmail.com im relatively new to all of this so i dont know what kind of details are helpful, but i can tell you that after Thomas died Edith came out to Australia where my family is now and lived with my nan until the early 90s when she died. thanks alot. dan