
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Re: Lt Mylrea, wreck of the Harpooner

I have the will of Mary Anne Mylrea! The writing is demanding but the text tells me (from a quick scan) that she is the sister of Frederick [Thomas] whom I'm sure is the survivor of the Harpooner.

She leaves nearly everything to him to be passed on to his children (in 1837, he had 3 or 4 children) - ergo - no other siblings apart from Mary Anne and Fred. She also pays off her "late father's debts" at Boulogut (?). Is there such a place - in Italy or elsewhere? I will read the rest of the will for detail but I think the clues are already before us. She also mentions Boulogut Sur (Mer?) - same place? Maybe her father is recently dead ie. 1835ish, when she made the will.

Warmly, D.