
Manx Genealogy

Re: Manx Y-DNA Project
In Response To: Re: Manx Y-DNA Project ()

Dear Mrs. Coakley,

Not been able to reply, due to all family issues, but shall now, believe me ADAM CAINE was no POOR PERSON, he would have been buried with utmost care, and as far wooden caskets, I can assure you that if we can find in ALLENDALE, SOUTH CAROLINA, USA THE TOPPER SITE, where excavation has been going on for quite some time and the findings that are 50,000 years old, I do believe, we could find OLD ADAM'S BONES and it WAS KIRK MICHAEL where he was buried, PHILIP was buried at BALLAUGH, in the descendant line, we may have to go four generations ahead, but DNA can be obtained, I would like the laws of EXHUMANTION On the ISLE.
I know who I am and as stated quite satisfied and know where PATRIDK AND ALICE are buried, but it would be most interesting to have data, whereby, though, I would have exhume PATRICK and ALICE to find the direct connection of bone of my bone. I have been quite between many family deaths and illnesses with two siblings of late and have not posted, so I dropped by the board to write, you must remember again, OUR ADAM HELD LAND, he would not have been put into the dirt as some pauper. I assure you that the CAIN/CAINE'S are very methodical and perfectioness, we do things right or we don't do them attoll, so I am sure OLD ADAM had his remains put away in a fashion consistant with his adamant ways.

We have plans still to be there in OCTOBER, so I may have to stay longer to accomplish all the data I need to get.

As LIZ put it, CAIN/E COUNTING, INSTEAD OF SHEEP COUNTING, I have my sheep, just not their DNA. May I ask for guidance to your council of law about exhumation laws, if you could give me that information, I would greatly appreciate it.

Adam , his name, so riightly fits him, first born of creation, CAIN , cursed son of ADAM of in the BIBLE, they have surely caused me much in time, energy and money,SWEAT AND TEARS, but PATRICK, like SETH, makes up for the not having ABEL, for PATRICK bones do rest on AMERICAN SOIL and it is uncanny how PATRICK has cried out to me throughout the years, to put to bed his roots, which with his bones exhumed and ADAM'S EXHUMED, we would have the finality of this SAGA.

Adam and Patrick , Patrick Jr, John, Darling, John , ME, someone will give up the secrets, and if the BIBLE is found, which I meet hopefully this week end with the Walker side again, we may have needle in the haystack, the Y chromosone, could come from my brother, but he is the unwilling candidate, and I respect his wishes, but genealogy hounds are not respected by all, they acutally have a name for us, FANATICS, which I can swallow that, but I have been researching my roots, since I was 16 and I am sure that this genealogy bloodhound caught the right PATRICK, but would love to get blood and bones of OLD ADAM ALSO.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa