
Manx Genealogy

Re: Manx Y-DNA Project
In Response To: Re: Manx Y-DNA Project ()


Thank you for your interest. This project is concentrating on the Y-DNA of Manx families - as others have explained this is only passed down from father to son and therefore is "attached" to the family name, which is also passed down from father to son.
However, for your information, there is a new type of DNA test now commercially available - autosomal DNA testing - which tests and compares with other people tested, the large part of our DNA which we inherit randomly from all our ancestors. Such tests are available from FTDNA (called Family Finder) and 23andme (called Relative Finder) for example. Such tests can identify in some cases whether two separate and apparently unrelated people have some genetic relationship - with an acceptable accuracy up to about 5th-6th cousins. You may wish to investigate this option.

I hope this helps
