
Manx Genealogy

Re: Philip Cain
In Response To: Re: Philip Cain ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,

Thank your for repllying, I weary in this unsurmountable data, it seems that in all our records, that ADAM CAIN, was the father of Philip and Patrick, and that PHILIP WAS BURIED AT BALLAUGH PARISH, but under the BISHOP'S DIMENSE, we have not that finding, we had where ADAM CAIN had land and PATRICK left his father and WENT TO HIS WIFE'S SIDE of the family and made his own way and then came to AMERICA, it seems so confusing, as stated, documents can be only as true as the recorder of the information given at the time of his or her recordings of life and marriage and death and land ownings, I SUPPOSE that in all these findings, I do know I am of MANX heritage, I do know I have found a family member if by our records are so, if not, then perhaps not, but the FAMILY BIBLE is where we learned of PATRICK AND ALCE coming to AMERICA and my 91 year old cousin states our data is right, for it did come off the Isle of MAN, and YET I KNOW YOU are an HISTORIAN and well know that records are paper trails of our heritage and yet we have no record of the ELINOR (STOEN) STEPHEN marriage to ADAM CAIN, but whatsoever and to whomsoever I am in the line of I do know of, ADAM CAIN was in that line and he PRODUCED PATRICK and I am off ONE OF THOSE PATRICKS, so I shall wait until I arrive AND FINISH MY SAGA, AS LIZ AS TRIED AND FINISHES HERS, TRULY IT IS A CHRONCILE OF OUR LINES THAT TAKES FORVER TO FINISH, and may NEVER BE FINISHED and must accept what may be true whether it was want we thought and have documents, so I am leaving it at that for now, you have been so kind and as all on this board and LIZ has been a GOD-SEND and I thank you again for replying back for it is not easy these lines to tract down and laws and cultural differences and PARISH laws, all play a role in these findings, it takes many to find the truth, many helpers, and genealogists and family members, as HILLARY CLINTON put it, it takes a VILLIAGE to rear children proper with help from all citizens, organizations, famiy, church, it too, is the same when doing your genealogy, it takes, money, time, Family Bibles and documents, genealogist, family members, friends remembrances of old days, helpers, and this wonderful MANX BOARD, of who have given and shared, so I will say I am thankful to have stumbled upon it years ago when surfing the internet to find about the ISLE where my roots began and I am happy I found such wonderful MANX descendants who share and help one another in our quest for each of us to find who we are, where did I come from and what were my people of old like, am I like them or different, it is a wonderful science of life history, of ones self, for GOD made us courious to know , for CHIRST himself had his genalogy in our BELOVED BIBLE, so to, we want that same knowledge, and with help you have gave me, I now have the courage to say IT IS DONE. I will finish out the STEPHEN side and Then I must leave what is truth alone.

Take care for I was going back to rest before worship today and must , thank you again.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa