
Family History Society

Re: Can anyone help Yvonne with her HARRISON famil

Hopefully, if anyone has been able to help with living relations, they will have done it directly, and then we who look at the BB wouldn't know. As I have told people before, the Phone book is on line, both under Manx Net and British Telecom. There are a lot of Harrisons in it. I cannot remember the addresses, but Elizabeth usually has them to hand. I can understand your frustration, but in this case a debate was started, which wasn't a bad thing, but info is not given on the BB, it is because either, info has gone direct to the enquirer's email address, or no-one has any answers (third possibilty, for reasons of their own, they don't want to get in touch. I have made enquiries of people before when have seen a link, and the person of whom I have enquired does not wish contact/information to be passed on). Just trying to point out other facets. Susanne.