
Manx Genealogy

Re: Location of Teare property Creggan Raughe Guan

Wow! 500 photos; you were (and are going to be) busy! I think it's very cool you are "digitizing" these irreplaceable records.

Thanks for looking up the 1826 sale. Interesting, isn't it? John Callow only help the properties for about 8 months and sold to his brother the amount he paid. (Nice to see!) The neighbors look the same, but I'll check it against my plot of 1IT tomorrow. What is "Duke of Athol's are or warren on the north" - just the coastal parcel?

Additionally, this Deed has the properties in the Quarterland of East Ballalane vs. Balemore of the John Teare Deed just a few months earlier. Thoughts?

Finally, a great nugget is that John Tear is describes as "Lord". Although not a Lord, it identifies him with the Ballakinnag Teares vs. other Tear families. Thanks!

Would be interesting to see who owned the properties prior - should be Thomas Moore.