
Manx Genealogy

Re: Heaney/Hainey/Hennan/Heeney

Hi Mary
I'm going to post a couple of messages that are going to sound really dense, but I'm interested, so I just have to ask....who is Vicar Harrison, and what film?? I feel as if I should know, and I'm sure there will be something about him in Manx Notebook, if I get time to look.....
It's funny though, because somewhere I seem to remember an entry in something (Brian's site maybe?) that mentioned a Stephen Harrison Heaney - I must try and find time to re-locate him too! (Just found him - Sue sent me the info in October - Maughold burials: Stephen Harrison Heaney age 36 Westbourne Rd Ramsey 16 April 1912) As my Heaney's seem to originate in Ireland now, is it unlikely that we link to Vicar Harrison?
(My other 'dense' question is to Marie.....)