
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

In Response To: Re: NEW IOM FHS SITE ()

Hopefully this will be the last posting on this topic, which has concerned me somewhat and I'd appreciate it if this was the last post, as it goes against what my aim was all about.

1/ My initial posting was to inform people about the new site
2/ My misunderstanding was down to ME and NOT those of the IOM FHS who are definitely NOT trying to replace the Manx Genealogy site and have had NO knowledge of what has transpired until now. That mistake was mine alone and I'm expecting my knuckles wrapped at the very least
3/ The threads on the new site have been edited out and please contact me via email if I've missed any.
4/ This site has an amazing archive database, full of information that has been gathered over time and the input from regular users has been fantastic and I'll contribute more noteworthy comments in the future.
5/ The one positive thing that has come out of my personal error, is that it does prove that this site and those using the site are keen to keep it and I find that very reassuring.
6/ And finally I wish to apologize to everyone (and there's many) with whom I've upset over the last couple of days and if the comments could be wiped off, then I'd appreciate it. I did make an error which we probably all do from time to time and say again that the FHS had no part to play in any part of this. Sorry for the blip. Paul