
Manx Genealogy

Re: Alice d/o WmCaine/Alice Looneyl

Dear Mr. Cain,
Just got off the phone with Cousin Frank, we talked almost for an hour, and he will be contacting you, he talked and talked about the Isle of Man, hearing it as a child over and over about our ancestors and Frank's work was where we all began with his research which he put on GENEALOGY.COM and has helped so many in the family for years, and he is glad the BIBLE is now found, he told he he was born in 1922,I never knew the year, so as you see his age is great but is mind is sharp as a tack, and he has letters you wrote to him and he gave me much history again tonight in our conversation, we have been in contact for years, I could have talked with him for hours more, but his supper was getting cold,and he broke down my BRICK WALL years ago, and he sas been a GOD send, I am old and but he is much older and to learn of the BIBLE being found has also made him elated, EUREKA, he and many others have been working years to come to this day, Frank had a JOHN CAINE off the Isle on this board who helped him years ago and he helped me immensely and I for one have been tracing the CAINE family for almost 40 years, I began at a young age, and have found so many in our line, and I have found descendants on the Isle of the CAINE family and now looking for the CORLETT side, Donna I see where you have asked for the line, it is on the board, I have posted the line over and over and Frank states now with yhe Bible found we have come full circle, JOHN CAINE did the line with help of others so go back and look where I posted the line. I am so elated, for the whole CAINE family which I have many to call tomorrow, it is too late, after 9:00 p.m. so will call as many as I can tomorrow, and I hope to see the Bible and see the family history page, which I had thought JAMES GALLETLY had the BIBLE , Sally Norris responded in March she thought they had the Bible so please e-mail me, at this address: joeds9@barnwellsc.com. as you see BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, so please I would love to correspond with another family member, GOD works in mysterious ways, you too are a God send and Frank will be getting back with you. He is so excited to know the Bible has been found. I am grateful to Cousin Frank, he is 89 years old, and he told me all about the FERRY going across AUGUSTA and your people and how the BRICK church your family attended, I am glad to meet another relative, and so glad you posted and have given the family this wonderful news of our MANX BLOOD. God Bless and take care.

Kindly yours,

Mrs, Jonnie Ruth Caine Rosa