
Manx Genealogy

Re: Corlett families of northeastern Ohio

I am glad you are okay now!

Responding to your posting(s) of Fri.17th Dec.- first at 12.06am:-
1.) The Daniel CORLETT who married Catherine Quirk was the fifth of six boys born to John CORLETT (c1749 to 1784) and Margaret Cain(e) (c1753 to ?)
This couple were married on 12th Feb. 1774 at Bh.
Nb. The patriarch left a will dated 02nd March 1784-Bh-LDS ref. 0106229.
2.) a. Correct-chr at Bh

b. No!-wrong family-this Catherine CORLETT was chr on 02nd July 1809 at Bh.

c. Correct-chr at Bh.

d. Correct-He was born on 17th Mar.1817 in Bh.
3.) No comment.

Posting at 1.27am repeated at 2.11am:-
John CORLETT born 05th and chr. 08th Jan. 1815 in Bh-The jury is still out.
John CORLETT chr.05/06th May 1814 at Bh was the son of John and Catherine CORLETT (Corlett)-yet another family in Ballaugh at that time.
John CORLETT chr. 08/09th Sept. 1817 at Bh was the second known child and eldest son of Daniel CORLETT and Margaret CORLETT who married on 01st May 1813 at Bh.

Posting at 1.50am:-
Yes it is Ballathoar meaning "Farm of the bleach-green" (by J.J. Kneen)
I have nothing else to add.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!