
Family History Society

Re: Bridson/Cosnahan
In Response To: Re: Bridson/Cosnahan ()

Hi Frances,
I finished this latest leg late last night. What I am querying is purely my connection to this line, i.e. whether William Bridson born 1810 is in fact the son of John Bridson and Cath Taggart and Grandson of William Bridson and Ann Cosnahan. Your research I have no qualms with but mine, well, lets say it has led me astray serveral times and these days I am trying to be more careful. I am glad to say that I am finding a wonderful Manx heritage to pass on to my children and it is pleasing to be apart of it in a small way.

Thanks for you kind input, if you can give any confirmation to my query I would be so grateful.

Kind regards

Sue Smith
BC Canada