[From Manx Quarterly #13 1913]

The Manx Society-Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting of the Manx Language Society was hold on Wednesday afternoon (Hollantide Day) in the Town Hall Council Chamber. The Rev C. H. Leece, Vicar of Rushen, and president of the society, presided over the gathering. There were also present the hon. secretary (Miss S. Morrison), the hon. treasurer (Mr W. Cubbon), the Rev Canon Kermode, and Messrs J. J. Kneen, S. K. Broadbent, C. R. Shimmin, H. P. Kelly, R. Lace, Walter Gill, and A. H. Tyson.

The minutes of the last annual meeting were taken as read, and were confirmed accordingly.

Letters of apology for non-attendance from Rev E. U. Savage, Mr R. D. Farrant, and Mrs Gordon, were read by the secretary.

The reports of the secretary and treasurer were next received.


The Rev C. H. Leece then rose to give his address as retiring president. He said: Before touching on our work, I wish first of all to refer to the loss our society has sustained through the recent lamented death of Mr J. C. Crellin, who was one of the founders of our society and our first vice-president. Mr Crellin was well known and highly esteemed throughout the Island, and, as regards ourselves, I am sure we all feel we have lost not only one of our oldest members, but one whose genial presence was always welcome, and whose varied store of information on Manx subjects and interesting personality were much valued by us alt; and I would, in your behalf, express our very sincere sympathy with his family in the loss they have sustained. On the conclusion of my year of office as president, I desire to make a few remarks on the work of our society during the past year, and our proposals and prospects for the future. And to begin with, I am pleased to be able to congratulate the members of the Manx Language Society on the progress we have made. Our membership has increased, and I think I am safe in saying that greater interest has been aroused in our proceedings amongst ourselves and more particularly among a large number of others who take a keen interest in our ancient history and literature, who are not set members of our society, but from whose ranks we expect to receive a very considerable accession to our membership. In this connect:on I would draw your attention to the motion on the agenda paper which I am to move, viz. : " That the name of our society should be changed to 'The Manx Language and Literary Society.' " It is more of an addition than a change, and, in my opinion, it is an important and necessary extension of our title urgently needed to express our present activities and the widening scope of our operations, and also in order to attract many who, while in full sympathy with us in certain directions, feel themselves debarred from joining our ranks by the somewhat limited range of our present title, which, though quite appropriate in the early days of the society, does not now convey a true impression of our objects and aims, but rather acts as a deterrent to those who, being unlearned in the Manx tongue, are alarmed by those strange and to them foreign and mysterious words which express our name in Manx, as well as by the somewhat narrow and special nature of our work which those words would seem to imply when translated. I therefore hope you will agree to the addition of "Literary," and I fool sure that its wider significance will be the means of increasing our membership and also better express our present position as a society. It does not mean any lack of interest in the study and teaching of the old language, far from it; it simply enlarges the field o£ our energies.

Returning to the work of the year, after this rather lengthy digression, I am in the happy position of being able to report expansion in various directions, and notably with regard to the publication of our new magazine, " Mannin," which met with such a hearty welcome from the public that every copy of our first number was sold within a few weeks. As no more copies will be published, our first number will, I hope, be valued not only for its artistic and literary merits, but also because its numbers are limited and meeting with increasing appreciation. It is most gratifying that our first effort in this direction should have met with so much success, and I would offer my congratulations to Miss Morrison, our energetic hon. secretary, and Mr W. Cubbon, our enthusiastic, and capable hon. treasurer, to whose diligence and ability the success attained is so largely due. No. 2 will be published shortly. But while I refer with much satisfaction to the success of " Mannin" as an interesting and appreciated publication, I am not able to refer with equal satisfaction to its financial side. The fact is that in fixing the price at one shilling, we made too low an estimate of the post; or perhaps it was not at first proposed to issue our magazine in quite so attractive and artistic a form, or give so much for the money. However that may be, the price is too low and should be 1s 6d per copy instead of 1s, and after No. 2 is published it will be necessary for us to make some alteration in this direction. Our treasurer will give you particulars. It is sufficient for me to say that the cost of publishing No. 1 has amounted to considerably more than the amount obtained from its sale at is per copy. Fortunately we have funds in hand to meet the deficit. This is entirely due to our good friends, " The Peel Players," who, as the result of their performances of Mr Christopher Shimmin's clever and amusing Manx plays, handed to our treasurer the sum of £52 for the general funds of our society; and I venture on your behalf to tender to Mr Shimmin and his able helpers our most grateful thanks for their kind and valued support. You will be pleased to learn that we are likely to receive further support from the same good friends, and that they propose giving one ore more performances of another Manx play during the winter. The next one has Mr J. J. Kneen, our Manx Language expert, and one of our most valued members, as its author. You will, perhaps, remember that some time ago a committee consisting of Mrs Boyd Dawkins, Mr A. P. Graves, and Mr W. H. Gill were nominated to adjudicate on the merits of such plays as should be forwarded to them. Eleven plays were received, the result being that after very careful consideration Mr Christopher Shimmin's play received 270 marks (out of 300), but had unfortunately to be disqualified because it exceeded the word limit. Mr Kneen's play came next with 263 marks, only seven behind Mr Shimmin, and he obtained first prize. I congratulate him on his success; to run Mr Shimmin so close is in itself no mean achievement, and I trust his representation of Manx life and manners will afford the same pleasure and profit to appreciative audiences as those given by the Peel Players last winter. As further evidence of the widening scope of our activities during the past year, I note with much pleasure the success of our treasurer's literary venture, " A Book of Manx Poetry, chosen and edited by William Cubbon, librarian, Douglas Public Library." It is a valuable and delightful addition to our literature, and Mr Cubbon is to be congratulated on the excellence of his selection, and I trust his charming little book will have a large circulation. I would, in conclusion, refer to the classes for the study, of Manx conducted by Mr J. J. Kneen in Douglas and Port Erin. and I would suggest that we might offer something in the way of a bonus to Mr Kneen for successful results of his teaching, as shown by his younger pupils on examination in Manx. Mr Kneen spends much time and effort in this, to him, congenial work, and I think his services merit more financial reward than he receives. This is merely a suggestion on my part, and I make it entirely without Mr Kneen's knowledge or desire as far as I am aware. I simply feel that his self-denying work should receive more financial acknowledgment. It now remains for me to express my thanks to you for your support and confidence as your president during the past year. I am very pleased with the progress we have made. I cannot take much credit for it myself, for the brunt of the labour entailed has fallen chiefly on Miss Morrison and Mr Cubbon. I very gratefully acknowledge their able and unwearied services in the rapidly extending interests and usefulness of the Manx Language Society, and I trust and believe that with their continued enterprise and organising abilities our society, with enlarged title and wider aims, will go forward with ever-increasing influence and patriotic service (applause). BALANCE-SHEET.

Mr W. Cubbon, as hon. treasurer, then read the financial report, which was as follows:-

GENERAL ACCOUNT. Receipts and expenditure from Hollantide, 1912, to Hollantide, 1913. Receipts.

By balance in bank, Hollantide, 1912

£29 16 0

„ Life members' subscriptions

10 9 0

„ Ordinary members' subscriptions.

6 7 3

„ Mrs Boyd-Dawkins for Manx plays prize fund, 1913

1 0 0

, „ Sale of publications. photographs etic

3 10 0

„ Bank interest

1 2 9


£52 5 0



To contribution to Guild


prize fund, 1913

£1 8 6

„ Competitors' entry fees in Guild Manx Classes,1913

10 0

„ Broadbent's Print. Acc.

17 6

„ Palmer's Printing Acc.

5 5 0

„ Brown and Sons

2 1 0

„ Meyer's Printing Acc..

6 11

„ Johnson's Printing Acc.

3 15 0


12 5 5

„ Isle of Man Railway Account......

7 1

E. E. Fournier, for sheets of "Goodwin's First Lessons "...

1 10 0

„ Hon. Secretary's postages and petty cash expenses ...............

£0 17 6

Hon. Treasurer's do. ...

1 3 3


2 0 9

„ Prizes for Manx plays

20 0 0

„ Bank commission

2 5

„ Balance in bank.

14 1 10


£52 5 0



Income and Expenditure to Hollantide, 1913.




By subscriptions to two numbers,


I. and II.

£35 2 8

„ Interest from bank



£35 2 11



To account for printing, postagos,


prizes, and other sundries .. £30 10


„ Bank commission


„ Balance

4 12 8

£35 2 11




Income and Expenditure to Hollantide, 1913.




By receipts, "Kodhere's Will" and "The Charm," Gaiety Theatre,Douglas, January 16th, 1913...

£60 16 2

„ Ditto. January 30th, 1913 .

63 3 11

., Proceeds of Manx plays at Port St. Mary, per Messrs Dickson and H. P. Kelly

 8 5 8


£132 5 9



To expenditure, January 16th, 1913...

£29 5 10

„ Ditto, January 30th, 1913.

33 0 3

„ Extra expenditure on copyright fees and photographs of the cast

17 10 0

„ Net profit (to General Account)

52 9 8


£132 5 9



General account

£14 1 10

"Mannin ".

4 12 5

Manx plays

52 9 8

Total Funds

£71 3 11

Mr Cubbon continued by saying: The society's funds will be reduced by over £20 on account of the printing, postages, etc., of "Mannin II.," and about £10 for the printing of "Illiam Kodere's Will." We have, of course, had several items of extraordinary expenditure, such as £20 for prizes for the new Manx Plays. We expect to be able to set down in our next balance-sheet income corresponding at least to our expenditure on the new Manx Plays. The only account which had been audited was the Plays Account. The other accounts would be submitted to the Ven. the Archdeacon for audit within a few days.

Mr S. K. Broadbent moved that the financial report be adopted, subject to the auditor's approval.

Mr J. J. Kneen seconded, and the motion was carried.


Miss Morrison (hon. secretary) submitted her annual report, as follows:-


It is probably with the hearty concurrence of all here present that we have returned to the old date of our annual meeting. Laa Houney, the first day of the old Celtic year, is certainly an appropriate date for any Celtic doings. The annual report will, of course, this time, cover only the seven months since the last April meeting-a very closely packed seven months.

First and foremost, perhaps, amongst the happenings of the year comes the publication of the first number of our M.L.S. journal, "Mannin." It has been felt for a long time that the society needed some channel for the expression of its ideas and plans, some organ of communication with the outside world. ` Mannin " is the outcome of this felt need. It calls itself " A Journal of Matters Past and Present relating to Mann," and strives to model itself more or less, though conscious of failure in many directions, upon Mr A. W. Moore's inimitable "Manx Note Book." The success with which number one has been received has bean most pleasing. We cannot be too grateful to the many kind contributors whose generously given and able work has brought about this success. To mention only a few :--Professor Boyd Dawkins, Professor Quiggin, Sir John Rhys, Mr A. P. Graves, Mr W. H. Gill, Miss M. L. Wood, "Cushag," Mr P. M. C. Kermode, Mr P. G. Ralfe, Mr A. Knox, and Mr C. R. Shimmin have written for the first two numbers. It was cheering also to receive the letters of welcome and goodwill from Bishop Drury, Lord Raglan, Hon. Stuart Erskine, Miss Mallt Williams. Dr. Douglas Hyde, and Mr Fournier d'Albe.

We trust that in the future, our list of subscribers may swell to such dimensions that our venture may be a financial as well as a literary success. That it has been the latter we may, without unduly pluming ourselves, believe, judging from the notices in the "Athenaeum," "The Nation," "The Manchester City News," "The Isle of Man Times," and "The Isle of Man Examiner."

Our literary news does not end here. Mention must be made of the continued success of Christopher Shimmin's Manx plays, which have during the summer and autumn been acted in Douglas, Peel, and Liverpool, and most enthusiastically received. Other plays from the same pen are forthcoming in the near future.

The publication of various books by Manx authors must also be noted. Professor Quiggin, of Cambridge, has brought out a volume of old Irish poetry. " Tales and Legends of the Isle of Man," by Jessie Kerruish, appears in Stead's " Books for the Bairns " series. Mr Cubbon's "Anthology of Manx Poetry" has met with a warm welcome. Mr H. P. Kelly is translating into Manx an Irish Primer, illustrated by Mr Jack Yeats, which we hope to bring out very shortly ; and Miss Talbot will, we believe, publish one of her father's most valuable MSS., "The Manorial Rolls of the Isle of Man for the years 1511-15," during the coming year.

The society is rejoicing in the fact that the Venerable Archdeacon of Mann has handed over to it the highly interesting collection of folk-airs left by the late well known Dr. Clague, and collected by him in the course of the many years during which he went in and out among the people. Mr P. W. Caine's researches on the subject of Manx carvals are full of interest, and his translations into English excellent. We are hoping to publish both Manx and English versions in some form before long. Of the above mentioned, Professor, Quiggin, Mr Cubbon and Mr H. P. Kelly are members of the M.L.S., as also are the Arch-deacon and Mr P. W. Caine ; and Miss Talbot and Miss Kerruish are, subscribers to " Mannin,"

Lastly, some months ago Mr Fournier d'Albe offered to hand over to us, for a nominal sum, the remainder of Goodwin's "First Lessons in Manx," our half of the edition being long since sold out. The book was published by the Celtic Association thirteen years ago. It will be good news to many to know that copies of this useful little primer may soon he had once more.

Our literary competition has proved a great; success. The adjudicators, Mr A. P. Graves,, Mrs Boyd-Dawkins, and Mr W. H. Gill, to whom most cordial thanks are due for all their time and labour, have expressed their delight and surprise that so many excellent plays were sent in, and that the general level of merit was so high. There were eleven entries-three historical. Of the other eight two of the best were disqualified because they exceeded the word limit. The first prize went to Mr J. J. Kneen for his comedy, "A' Lil' Smook." Two of the disqualified plays, Mr C. R. Shimmin's "Lus-ny-Graih," and Mr Clucas Kinly's, " The Best Man," we hope to print in " Mannin," and to act. Both were pronounced first class by the judges. The two competitors who took highest marks in the historical class did not use historical incidents in Manx history. For this reason they were disqualified, though their work was otherwise good.

To turn now to the spoken language — Manx Language Classes have been arranged, as usual, for the winter months. Mr Kneen has two classes in Douglas and one in Port Erin every week, and in Peel a conversational class has been started.

Mr Kneen has also the society's phonograph in Port Erin for the winter in order to store up records of Manx speech and song. Anyone who knows of a good unpublished Manx song should communicate with him.

We wish we could announce that the number of Manx speakers in the Island had increased, but that we are unable to do. We have been at considerable pains to obtain details of the Census of Manx-speaking people in 1911, but have met with many difficulties. We have, however, received from the Census Office, Mill-bank, the inclusive totals, which are as follows :-













Remainder of Island..






General Total.



These figures are unfortunately not officially published, owing to the fact that would-be wits in Douglas made false entries ; but the main facts are reliable. It may be interesting to recall that in 1901, through the efforts of our then President, the Rev E. B. Savage, and of his Excellency Lord Henniker, the column for Manx-speaking persons was first put into the schedule. The figures of that year were not officially published, but Mr A. W. Moore, whose position entitled him to do so, himself went to our Government Office, worked out the Manx-speaking statistics, and had them printed in the Manx newspapers. The sad thing about this present Census is the loss, since 1901, of one-half of the Manx-speaking population of that time. So many old faces have passed' away from us. But we must take courage and bestir ourselves. Many young people are learning their mother tongue, and interest in it constantly grows. Our membership has considerably increased latterly. We number amongst our new recruits the members of the Manchester and the London Manx Societies. The following Libraries subscribe to " Mannin " -the Manchester Reference Library, John Ryland's Library (Manchester), Liverpool Free Library, Bermondsey Library (London), Swansea Public Library, National Library of Wales, Bodleian Library (Oxford),

Celtic music attracts a great deal of attention and enthusiasm now allays, and Manx music is not behind hand. Some of the best known composers of the present time haves arranged music for our test pieces in the Music Festival, amongst them Sir Arthur Somervell, Dr. James Lyon, Dr. Vaughan Williams, and Mr J. W. Ivemey, to say nothing of our own Miss M. L. Wood and Mr W. H. Gill ; and Professor Granville Bantock, who, at the Dundee Mod expressed himself as anxious to know more of Gaelic music, will act as judge at our next Manx Chaglym, when music arranged by some of the above mentioned will be sung with Manx and English words fitted to it by "Cushag," Mr T. Moore, and Mr E.Goodwin.

On the whole we may be well satisfied with this year's records, and go on with renewed vigour.

The meeting was unanimous to according a vote of thanks to Miss Morrison and Mr W. Cubbon for their excellent reports.


Mr J. J. Kneen, in reading his report on the progress of the Manx Language classes, said : —

Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, — If there is one thing I anticipate with pleasure more than anything else, it is the annual meeting of the Manx Language Society. It is the time of the year when we foregather — not to propitiate the lil people " and the spirits of darkness, as our ancestors were wont to do at this season of the year — but to talk about what we have and what we have not done during the past twelve months.

Now, the things which we have not accomplished are in a preponderating majority, but nevertheless, we have succeeded in doing much of that of which we are necessarily proud. It would be idle for me to enumerate the various phases of work in which we have been engaged since our last annual meeting, as our secretary has always a very comprehensive report prepared, but "on passant" I should like to mention the successful launch of the good ship " Mannin." I refer to our new journal. It was a venture fraught with much anxiety on the part of its promoters, and its successful piloting into the sea of literature is mainly due to the untiring efforts of Miss Morrison and Mr Cubbon.

As you are all no doubt aware, I have conducted several Manx classes in Douglas during the past few weeks, which I am glad to say are very successful. I have four classes in all — one for ladies (advanced), two for men, and one for children, and I cannot speak too highly of the attention given by them all in grappling with the difficulties one always experiences in acquiring a new language. But in spite of these obstacles, they are rapidly forging ahead, and thus a few of the gaps made in our ranks by death are being rapidly filled up. That we have been successful in forming a children's class is a fact upon which we should congratulate, ourselves. To note the earnestness with which these bright and intelligent children take up their lessons inspires one to great efforts on their behalf, and almost makes one wish to have childhood back again, and it cannot be gainsaid that in securing these future citizens of Mann we are making some progress towards the goal which we have in view, and the object for which this society was primarily founded, i.e., the resuscitation of our mother tongue as a living vehicle of thought. Before I leave this subject, let me impress upon you the necessity of forming classes in other parts of the Island, if the language movement is to be brought to a successful issue. Surely there must be Manxmen and Manxwomen throughout the Island who would be capable of conducting such classes.

Now, I should just like to say a word or two, with your kind forbearance, about that which we have not accomplished, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that which 1 should like to see accomplished. I am one of these optimistic individuals who believe that the Manx Language Society could do a great deal more propaganda work than is being done at present, and we have only to look to Scotland and Ireland, and especially, the latter country to see what. scan be done when all put their shoulders to the wheel and push together. I will not weary you with a detailed account of the work done in our adjacent sister countries in the language cause, as anyone anxious to obtain information can easily make himself cognisant of the facts by perusing some of the many journals devoted to language revival in the respective countries.

I shall just mention one of the more important 'works in which our Celtic brethren are engaged. Ireland has its "feis," and Scotland its "mod," devoted almost exclusively to the furtherance of language propaganda, and then. there is the " Oireachtas " in Ireland, the great literary festival which draws competitors from every part of Ireland. Then in Wales of course there is the " Eisteddfod," with which you are well acquainted. The only counterpart to these institutions which we have in Mann is the Music Guild, which, notwithstanding its very Saxon name, accomplishes much good. But I contend that this Guild is not in entire sympathy with us from a national standpoint, in fact, it is naturally impossible for it to be so, seeing that it was founded with quite a different. object from that which the founders of the Manx Language Society had in view. I think the time has come when we should have a festival of our own, not one of singing only, but also of instrumental music and old Manx dancing. Violin playing, for instance, in the old Manx style, i.e., playing the air on the first string and droning on the other two, in imitation of the bagpipes, the instrument being three-stringed, and having a flat instead of a rounded 'bridge. Then we would have original and other recitations in Manx and dialect, and of course the classes which we have at present would be included. Say we took Hollantide Day for this festival, we could have our annual meeting in the morning, the competitions in the afternoon, and a dialect play in the evening. Of course there are various other competitions which might suggest themselves, and I should like to hear the opinions of some of you here present on this subject. I am aware that the greatest difficulty we should have to face would be the financial side of the question, and whether this would be an insurmountable barrier or not I leave you to decide.

Within the last few weeks, one of our members has been removed from our midst in the person of Miss Essie Cain, and we all must deplore the loss of an earnest worker. I should also like to say a few words, too, about that great Celtic enthusiast, Mr John W. Steven, who has also been taken to the Flaunys, the sacred Isle of the ancient Gaels. I am sorry to say that I did not know Mr Steven personally, but we corresponded frequently, he in Irish and I in Manx. It came as a great blow to me when I heard that he was no more, as I was just thinking about replying to his last letter, but fate ordained otherwise, and thus passed from life a great man, full of Celtic fire, vitality, and imagination, who had the happy knack of imbuing others with the same noble ideas and lofty aspirations as he had himself. That the good seed which he has sown may fall on fruitful soil will be the earnest wish of all of us

The following names were nominated as members of the society : — Life members — Mr G. F. Clucas, Mrs Rydings, Mr E. H. L. Dickson, Mr James N. Oates. Ordinary members — Mr E. Barry, Mr T. C. Corrin, Mr F. AV. Briscoe, a Mr E. A. Caine, and Mr and Mrs Caine.

The election of officials for the ensuing year resulted as follows : — President, Mr J. J. Kneen ; vice-presidents, The Ven. Archdeacon, Canon Savage, Rev J. Karran, Dr Marshall, Rev C. H. Leece, Mr T. Moore, and Mr W. W. Gill.

Committee — Canon R. K. Kermode, Messrs A. H. Tyson, W. A. Craine, H. P. Kelly, P. W. Caine, C. R. Shimmin, and S. K. Broadbent ; hen. secretary, Miss S. Morrison ; hen. treasurer, Mr W. Cubbom.

In the absence of Mr P. W. Caine, of Ramsey, Mr S. K. Broadbent moved that " the General Committee be disbanded." The motion was adopted.

Miss Morrison read the following letter from the Rev E. U. Savage, and pointed out that language includes literature: — I am sorry that as I shall not be on the Island on Wednesday it will not be possible for me to attend the meeting of the M.L.S.

"The Manx Language and Literary Society" seems to me rather a "mouthful." I suppose it would not be possible to use the name "The Manx Society." The original Manx Society is dead, isn't it ? My idea is something National,. This is, of course, only a suggestion.

She then put the motion contained in Mr Savage's letter. It was seconded in an able speech by Mr Christopher Shimmin, and by Mr H. P. Kelly, and was carried unanimously.


Boyd Dawkins, Prof. W., M.A., F.R.S.. F.S.A. LL.D., Manchester.
Boyd Dawkins, Mrs, Manchester.
Boyd Dawkins, Miss, Manchester.
Clucas, G. Fred, M.A. Bristol.
Collard, Alfred S., J.P., Liverpool.
Dickson, E. H. L., Pendleton.
Farrant, R. D., Douglas.
Gill, Mrs J. F., Killiney.
Greene, F. M., C.P., Oatlands.
Homan, Leicester, Ballaterson.
Hyde, Dr. Douglas, LL.D., Frenchpark.
Moore, T. H., J.P., C.P., Billown.
Morrison, Miss Louisa, Manchester.
Oates, J.N., Douglas.
Rydings, Mrs, Union Mills.
Wright, Prof. J., M.A., Ph.D., D.C.L., LL.D., Oxford.


Archdeacon, The Venerable, Mann.
Anwyl, Prof. E., Aberystwyth.
Bacon, J.C., Seafield.
Barry, E. F., London.
Bell, W. H., Douglas.
Briscoe, F. W., Douglas.
Broadbent, S. K., Douglas.
Burchardi, Dr. Gustav, Ph.D., London.
Caine, P. W., Ramsey.
Cain, T., St. John's.
Cain, Mrs, St. John's.
Cain, E. A., Port Erin.
Cannell, John, Ramsey.
Cannell, Miss.
Cleator, J. S. W., Peel.
Clucas, J. D., C.P., J.P., Douglas.
Cooke, Rev. W., Sheffield.
Corkill, Mrs, Peel.
Corlett, Mrs W. J., Douglas.
Corlett, T. P.
Cormode, T. H., H.K., Quine's Hill.
Corrin, Miss Ada, Castletown.
Craine, W. A., Douglas.
Cream, Miss, Altrincham.
Creer, Miss. Douglas.
Crennell, W. T., H.K., Ramsey.
Cubbon, W., Douglas.
Dickson, J. C., Port St. Mary.
Dodd, T., Douglas.
Eastwood, L., M.A., Oxford.
Gill, W. W., Birkenhead.
Goldie-Taubman, L., The Nunnery.
Gordon. Mrs Victor, South Croydon.
Harvard-Jones, Rev H. T., M.A., Soham.
Jackson, E. W., Brighton.
Jerkins, L. E., Port Madoc.
Karran, Rev. J., Douglas.
Kelly, H. P., Douglas.
Kennaugh, Miss, Weobley.
Kermode. Miss, Glen Auldyn.
Kermode, Rev. Canon, M..A., Douglas.
Kerruish, R., H.K., Maughold.
Kneen, J. J., Port Erin .
Lace, R., F.R.G.S., Santon.
Leece, Rev C. H., Rushen.
Marshall, Dr., Douglas.
Moore, Mrs, Great Meadow.
Moore, T., Brookfield.
Morrison, Miss S.. Peel.
Paton, Cyril J., Streatham.
Prideaux, Percy, Port Erin.
Quayle, C. W., Newmarket.
Quayle, T. M. L. (Councillor), Douglas.
Quayle, Mrs., Laxey.
Quiggin, Prof. E. C., M.A., Ph.D.. Cambridge.
Ralfe, P. G., Castletown.
Ridge, Miss, Douglas.
Savage, Canon, M.A., F.S.A., Douglas.
Savage, Miss, Douglas.
Savage, Rev E. U., M.A., Liverpool.
Shimmin, C. R., Pool.
Teare, W. F., F.R.G.S., Dalby.
Turnbull, E., Port Erin.
Tyson, A. H., Douglas.
Williams, Miss Mallt, Wales.
Wood, Miss P. D., Douglas.
Wood, G. W., Streatham.


Bermondsey Public Library, London (per Mr Frowde ).
Bodleian, The, Oxford (per Mr F. Madan).
London Manx Society (per Miss A. Kaye).
Manchester Manx Society (per Mr Cooil).
Manchester Free Reference Library (per Mr Sutton).
National Library of Wales (per Mr Ballinger, M.A.)
Peel Players, The
Rylands, Jolen, Library, Manchester (per Mr Guppy).
Swansea Public Library (per Mr Rhys Phillips).



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