[From Manx Quarterly, #12 June 1913]



Died October 4th, 1912.

It will be learned with very great regret that Canon Moore, Vicar of Braddan, died at the Vicarage in the early hours of Friday morning, October 4th. For some years he had been in such low health as to be in great measure incapacitated from clerical duty, but up to well on in last summer he took such part in the services of the church as he was able to perform. A painful malady compelled him a few years ago to undergo operation in Noble's Hospital, and as the outcome his condition was for a time considerably improved; but he was left in a weak state; and gradually grew worse until the end came. Frederick James Moore was born in Douglas in 1838. He was the eldest of the four sons of the late Mr Nicholas Moore, who carried on business as a, provision merchant in the premises in King-street, now occupied by Messrs J. Wood and Co., yeast dealers. Of the four brothers, three took orders in the Established Church, although their father was a prominent Wesleyan Methodist, and they were brought up as Wesleyans. The late Canon Moore was educated in the first instance at a private school kept by the late Mr Colin Pearson, in Bath Place, Douglas. Afterwards he went to King William's College, whence he proceeded to Trinity College, Dublin, taking his B.A. degree in 1861. In 1863, he was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Chester, and was priested the following year. His first clerical appointment was to the curacy of St. Paul's, Chester, in 1863. This charge he resigned in 1865, on being appointed to the Chaplaincy of Foxdale, a living which he held until 1875, when he was preferred to the Vicarage of Jurby. In 1879 he was appointed Vicar of Lonan, and in 1888 he succeeded th late Rev William Drury as Vicar of Braddan. In 1896, on the creation of honorary canonries in the Manx Church, he became Canon of St. Patrick. He was a, faithful, courteous, painstaking, and industrious parish priest, and in all his spheres of labour he earned the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. To thousands of holiday-makers from the United Kingdom he was a well-known figure in connection with the open-air services which he conducted in the old Kirkyard of Braddan on Sunday mornings during the summer months. In these services he followed Parson Drury, by whom they were initiated. It was not uncommon for Canon Moore on these occasions to preach to a congregation approaching twenty thousand in number, and he was the means, through the offertories which were taken, of raising large sums in aid of Manx charitable institutions. He was the instigator of the movement which resulted in the last extension of Braddan Cemetery, and it was in large measure due to his activity and pleading that the Braddan Church room was built. As Chaplain to the Lunatic Asylum and the Home for the Poor, he accomplished much good work among the mentally afflicted and the poor. Canon Moore married one of the daughters of the late Capt. William Kitto, of Foxdale. Mrs Moore, who is sister to Capt. W. H. Kitto, J.P., H.K., survives her husband. Canon Moore leaves a family consisting of several sons and daughters.

The funeral of the late Canon Moore, Vicar of Braddan, which took place on Monday morning, was the occasion of a great demonstration of public respect and sorrow. Of the great assemblage outside the Vicarage, the great majority were parishioners of Braddan, but from all parts of the Island came people to follow to the grave one who was held in affection and esteem by his compatriots. The cortage which left the Vicarage was headed by two members of the Isle of Man Constabulary, and immediately following were the Rev Canon Savage, the Archdeacon, the Bishop, and Revs J. M. Spicer and R. D. Kermode, in full canonicals. Behind the hearse were Messrs A. Whiteside, R. F. Douglas, T. J. 'Iridson, and W. Christian (church-wardens), and the following clergy and members of the general public:-Revs Canon Quine, F. W. Stubbs, R. Jones, H. Walton, H. Maddrell, H. S. Taggart, H. Robinson, J. G. Pope, T. R. Kneale, J. Kelly, A. P. Bradshaw, R. Cain, W. W. Warren, R. Wakeford, the Vicar-General, The Speaker of the House of Keys, Capt. Qualtrough, Rev J. Davidson, Messrs J. H. Cottier, J. Boyd, A. Kenyon, R. Lewin, W. H. Blaker, R. Howe, H. B. C. Callow, T. H. Fleming, F. W. Briscoe, T. Kewley, J. Kaneen, G. Fleming, J.Cubbon, Henry Cowin (Secretary of the Asylums Board), A. M. McDonald (Master the Home for the Poor), etc.

Service was held at the Parish Church, the Lord Bishop and the Ven. Archdeacon officiating. In addition to the ninetieth psalm, the hymns " Through all the changing scenes of life," and " On the Resurection morning," were reverently sung by the congregation.

At the close the Lord Bishop said it had been suggested to him that on such solemn occasion he should address a words, which, unprepared, might prove ill-fitted for the occasion that brought them together. At least he could open his heart to them. They were present to pay their last tribute of affection and respect to the life and work of their dear brother here departed. Canon Moore was better known to them all than to im. And yet he counted it amongst the greatest of his many joys since he came to the Island that he should know him. Canon Moore was a devoted son of the Manx Church. In early life he yielded his life and heart to his God and from that time forward had never wavered in his devotion to Christ. He was a good and faithful servant, and a valiant soldier. He was now called to his rest and to his reward. He was our senior clergyman. During his years of service he was at Foxdale, Jurby, Lonan, where he spent several useful years, and for 25 years he was Vicar of this ancient parish. He (the Bishop) could not speak of him in the sense that they could speak of him. Some of them remembered him as a preacher, some as a leader, and many as a friend. Now God had called him away from this lower world to a higher sphere of service. There was one incident in connection with Canon Moore that he could never forget. When preaching at the open-air service at Braddan last month, the Vicar insisted on standing by his side. It was raining very heavily, and he with reluctance accepted a seat provided for his (the Bishop's) wife. After a time, and at his (the Bishop's) wish, he reluctantly withdrew. It was a touching sight when he saw his (the Bishop's) son give his arm to the aged Vicar. When he saw the young assisting the old, his heart was filled with the deepest devotion. Prior to his departure for the Church Congress they talked together, and as he looked at the Vicar at the close of the lesson he appeared to him as a warrior who was prepared for his rest. He learned on his return to the Island that their dear brother had been called to his rest. They were as one that day in paying their tribute of respect. Their presence was clue to the fact that they were all anxious to do what they could — they could do but little — to show their sympathy with the family in their loss.

At the conclusion of the service the "Dead March" was played on the organ whilst the procession filed out of church, whence the cortege proceeded to Braddan Churchyard, where the Lord Bishop, the Archdeacon, and the Revs C. E. Barlow and J. Burnett conducted the remaining portion of the burial service.

The chief mourners were:— Rev F. W. Moore, Mr R. H. Moore, Mr J. R. Moore, Mr Frank Moore, Mr George Moore (sons), Miss Grace Moore, Miss Marjory Moore (daughters), Mr H. Childers (son-in-law), Rev H. N. Moore (brother), and Mrs Moore, Dr Davies (Vicar of St. Olave's), and Capt. W. H. Kitto, H.K., and Mr A. Kitto (brothers-in-law). There were many floral tributes.


Speaking at Andreas on Saturday, on the occasion of the induction of the new Archdeacon (Ven. John Kewley, M.A.), the Lord Bishop made the following reference to the late Canon Moore :— " We have met to-day under the shadow of a great loss. God has called to his rest and reward yet another of our most faithful and best-loved clergy, Canon Moore, Vicar of Braddan — a sturdy Manx-man of the highest order, loyal and affectionate. As many of you know, he joined the Church from Methodism in his early years, and from that date to his last day on earth he served the Church, he served the Island with devotion and fidelity. On the second Sunday of last month, as I stood to preach to the assembled thousands in Kirk Braddan, he insisted upon standing up by my side, notwith-standing that it was raining and blowing, and far from fit for him to remain. It was only, indeed, when I pressed him and insisted on his withdrawal that he returned to his own home. On Thursday last, before I left the Island for the Church Congress, I visited him, and as he lay there on his bed, I felt, and I said, that he was like a warrior preparing for his rest. The first tidings on my landing yesterday were that into that rest for which he had prepared he had entered. I speak to you, because you are here representing the whole Island and the whole Church, and I call upon you for experienced sympathy, sympathy with the widow and family, and prayer that God will raise up many faithful and loyal clergy in this diocese, who will carry on His work for His glory, and for the good of the whole Church.


In the course of a sympathetic reference to the late Canon Moore by Canon Savage, preaching in Kirk Braddan on Sunday morning, the preacher said: Not only will this parish mourn his removal from our midst, and miss him; the whole Manx Church will feet the gap that his absence has made — the Church which he served so faithfully for 47 years — where he was the oldest among the clergy, and with the longest service. As Rural Dean of Douglas, and as Senior Member of the Cathedral Chapter, his advice was always valued, and the soundness of his judgment was recognised. For some years he also represented the Chapter in the Lower House of Convocation at York. If personal matters are permissible in the pulpit I should like to say that he and I were friends for over 30 years, and it was a privilege for me that I saw him less than a week ago, when we said " good-bye" to one another, but neither of us understood it in its real sense then — we both do now. It is not right that a life like this should soon pass out of people's minds, for it has. been so closely woven into the lives of many in this parish, and into the life and work of the diocese for many years past. To your old Vicar, Fridav was the entrance into a new life of peace and rest " with Christ"; it was his birthday into life. Let us learn to look at it from that point of view.



Died 24th July, 1912.

(a few mis-scans to be corrected - generally words omitted)

The subject of this sketch was a member one of the earliest parties of young men who left their native Island in the early 'eighties for the sunny shores of Africa, their destination being Johannesburg, the then budding Eldorado that is ringing up the manhood of the world. I met the party on their arrival in Kimberley, where I was then in the employ of the late lamented Joseph Mylchreest, whose name is still affectionately remembered in the monopolised diamond trade.

Kimberley at that time was throbbing with hysterical excitement and vitality. Every member of their party would have obtained employment here, they preferred to go on to the golden d; and thither they journeyed. The late Bob Henry, as he was familiarly known, joined his companions in the fascinating game of gold digging, acquiring with them a thoroughly practical knowledge of mining in all its branches. Like many of other young men, he drifted into geological pursuits, fledging in course of into the alluring life of a prospector. He became in time acquainted with every gold and diamond district throughout the country. No matter in what part a new strike of mineral was made, he longed to go there, and he generally hastened on to share in the gamble with fate and no []. When the fabulous stories of Madagascar gold discoveries came flooding across to Johannesburg, he, in company with Major Peacocke, struck out immediately, only to find on arrival there the bubble had burst. As though to intensify the bitterness of their discontent, the Governor of the Island issued a proclamation forbidding all staking and pegging of claims for a period of six months. Fear and jealousy of the pioneering Britisher was rife in this part of the country. Officials and servants of every grade knew the history of the Transvaal, and they dreaded a similar fate if action were not taken to check the mad rush from Johannesburg. I met my deceased friend a few months after my arrival in the capital Antanana-rivo, and, despite the vindictive restrictions on our movements, we travelled extensively, making geological observations en route with a hopeful view to future developments when the temporary possession of this ill-starred Island would pass into the lists of nations that would float a banner of freedom and welcome from the shattered Palace walls now mouldering into selfish antiquity. I think we were the last of the Jo'burg invaders to say farewell to the impoverished city of barbed officialdom and affected politeness. We crossed over to Zanzibar, intending to make an exploratory trip into the interior. Investigations on the spot forced us to abandon our projected tour, and we left, after a short stay, for Johannesburg, and then on to Portuguese East Africa, when the boom broke over Mashonaland. Two years ago my companion went on to Salisbury, where he developed blackwater fever, and on my arrival to join him a couple of months later, I found him an inmate of the hospital. His recovery to former good health was rapid, and once again we heard the calling of the lonely veldt, where after a stav of three months he was attacked again by the dread monster blackwater. His splendid constitution triumphed once more, and on his return to good health we left Mashonaland for the great Zambesi River, where I had been previously mapping out the country for exploration. Not one of our party, however, reached the goal of our destination, as we in turn fell victims to the ravaging malaria that ever lurks in the waterless wilds intervening between the last British outpost and the great river. He was the last member of our party to go down to the scourge, which brought on the deadly malady again, making him this time a prey to the spoiler that roams gaunt and unchecked through Mashonaland and Matabeleland. The attenuated homes draped in mourning in the outlying districts bear sad testimony to the destroying visits of this remorseless monster. When I bade my dear friend good-bye in Mashonaland a short time ago, we little thought the parting would be our last on earth, as he was then apparently beyond the fatal stage, his doctor expressing absolute faith in his early recovery. On my arrival at Tote, Zambesi River, a telegram awaited me announcing his death on the 24th July. In my sorrow for the departed spirit which so generously confided in me, I feel assured his numerous friends will bear with me and send out to those near and dear to him a prayerful sympathy that will tend to dry their tears for the one they loved so affectionately. His life at all times was a most exemplary one. He ever strove to victory over the common vices and temptations besetting the daily walks of all men. How well he triumphed and conquered in the raging battle of erring nature and self-denial was ample proof to his friends of the sterling qualities so mixed up in him that they could hold him up to the world and say "This is a Man." Physically he was a splendid type of manhood, being athletically and proportionately built to a little over six feet. His having lived for years a strenuous and abstemious life in the open veldt hardened him against the common ills of life, and bronzed him into a typical son of his adopted home. He went through the late Anglo-Boer war from beginning to, end without missing one duty through illness. His record in the trying service of his country was a creditable one, rising as he did from being a sharpshooter to transport officer, his knowledge of the Dutch and Kaffir languages well fitting him for the responsible position. Many readers of this paper will no doubt recollect his having contributed some brief reminiscences of the late war to the columns of the " Examiner" and the "Manx Quarterly." Several who had met him on the battlefield told me that he carried into the fiercest encounters the unruffled passivity that permeated his every action the private pursuits of his everyday life. There are many in Rhodesia to-day who could testify to his dauntless courage in face of the gravest danger. One instance, the last in which he and I shared, will perhaps suffice to show what a we companion he was when death hove around our tent. We had put our improvised camp in order for the night, were joined in the evening meal by wandering prospector, who shared in surprise, as neither party was aware the other's presence in this partic part of the lonely wilds. We chatted until the waning moon reminded the visitor that his homeward trail was growing perilously dark. He whistled up dogs, bade us good-night, and hurried into the shadowy veldt. Our little was but temporarily hung between tr into which we retired for the night, Kaffir boys taking possession of a dil dated but close by. Shortly after retiring the boys shouted across to that the prospector's dogs had return " Drive them away," we answered. T they pretended to do without venturi out into the darkness that had fallen ov the towering trees like a silent pall death. The gentle breeze which h barely stirred the foliage when the s went down had suddenly stilled; t silonee of our miniature forest w intense, making the slightest movement audible. Presently we heard the breaking and cracking of the mouldering undergrowth close by. It drew momentarily nearer; at last our little tent shivered — something had clumsily tripped over the guy ropes " Footsack." We shouted, thinking like the Kaffirs that the prospector's dogs or some jackals were moving around. A low, vicious growl in ominous challenge came back in reply to our threats, and instantly we realised the gravity of our situation. Our guns were left at a farm house where we had slept the night previously, thus intensifying the helplessness of our predicament.

My late companion swung out of bed, with the remark, "We are trapped." He groped around instinctively for a weapon of defence, but there was none save his heavy boots. He grabbed one in grim earnestness. "Why," I remarked, "that's worse than useless." " It may be as you key, partner," he replied, " but you may t assured I'll make a fight for it; I all ram this boot down his throat." just then the kettle left in front of the tent toppled over. Bob stood up, and, filling the entrance, waited the attack, which, fortunately for us, did not occur. The growling marauders moved over to the boys' but and then out into the black lands. During the trying hours which we lurked around, Jonas, the eldest of the Kaffir boys, prayed earnestly to his ancestors for deliverance and protection, whilst the piccaninnies sobbed ud in childlike pathos that made us to go to their assistance. We learned following day that our unwelcome visitors were three fully-grown lions, neighbouring Kaffirs having seen them in the early dawn move down to their fast-skirting the river banks. We mustered a party of truculent and blustering Kaffirs, and followed the spoor for a time but they had wandered beyond spears and bullets. I have been with lately deceased companion under many []ng and dangerous circumstances .In the past decade; I have been with him when death passed us so close that rearched into breathless intensity; I watched and waited with him through the hush of the long, long night, with the fever-laden dews falling over us in pitiless sheets that straightened and stiffened us out in racking ague; I have stood with him shoulder to shoulder momentarily waiting the curtain to drop announcing the last act in the drama of life, but he never once faltered or wavered when stern necessity and duty called for everything noble in manhood. His studies and investigations into the teachings of Spiritualism and Theosophy had plumbed for him years ago the great void, giving hint an unfaltering trust that left no terrors for the dark abyss that men in muffled tones call death. Knowing him so intimately as I did, I can say with full assurance that he would play a courageous and manly part in the supreme moment of passing hence. In passing, I will leave him with the fitting epitaph which Cullen Bryant wrote for all men who play their parts nobly to the end:-" So live that when thy summons come to join the innumerable caravan that moves to the pale realms of shade where each must take his place in the silent halls of death, thou go not like the quarry slave at night scourged to his dungeon, but soothed and sustained by an unfaltering trust, like one who wraps the draperies of his couch around him and lies down to pleasant dreams."

F. K. [F. Kelly]



Died December 29th, 1912.

Mr Moses Canning, of Cronkbourne-road, Douglas, passed away at his residence on Dec. 29th, 1912. In his death the Isle of Man has lost its oldest working journalist. It is true that Mr Canning had at least one senior connected with journalism in the Island, but so far as whole time devotion to the profession is concerned, he was undoubtedly the doyen of Manx news paper scribes. Born in the Island some 56 years ago, he was reared and educated in Douglas, and in Douglas he spent the whole of his adult life. On leaving school he was apprenticed as a printer with the late Mr R. H. Johnson, Prospect-hill, Douglas, but while still in his apprenticeship, his services were transferred to the late Mr John Christian Fargher, proprietor, editor, printer, and publisher of the " Mona's Herald." While yet a youth he displayed an inclination to take up the literary side of newspaper work, and Mr Fargher afforded him an opportunity to realise his ambition. He had an innate talent for journalism, and this he developed by study and practice until he quickly qualified as a most excellent allround reporter and a descriptive writer of parts. His style was incisive, picturesque, and original, and his almost marvellous perception and quick grasp of interesting news material rendered him a most valuable member of a newspaper staff. A very accomplished phonographer, he was a reliable note-taker, and even the most torrential and involved public speakers had no terrors for him. In his day he reported all the principal residential and visiting orators-including among the latter the late William Ewart Gladstone -and was frequently congratulated upon the accuracy and discretion of his reports. In the course of the trials in the Court of General Gaol Delivery of the persons indicted for criminal offences concerning the conduct of Dumbell's Bank, he accomplished a really astounding feat. Unaided, he reported the proceedings, which lasted well nigh a fort night, and completed his account of the day's session in time to admit of publication the same night. It is doubtful whether in the history of journalism a more remarkable achievement, involving as it did wonderful capacity and power of endurance, has been forthcoming. So faithful was the report, that it was accepted as evidence in the hearing of appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the findings and sentences of the Court of General Gaol Delivery. It was, however, as a descriptive writer that he conspicuously shone. In the course of his career, it fell to his lot to record for newspaper purposes chief [] happenings of an eventful generation, and he ever emerged from the record creditably, his work being characterised by correct style, sufficient detail, literary finish; while he had the art of conveying vivid pen pictures of occurrences of public interest. He had too, that sense of humour which is [] salt to journalism. At times was extremely outspoken in regard to what he conceived to be matters deserving of condemnation, and in this respect employed both tongue and pen to paper that made some people squirm considerably. His first engagement as a reporter was with the late Mr J. C. Fargher, but in the late 'seventies he accepted engagement on the "Isle of Man Times" staff, and was for some few years employed as one of the official reporters in the Insular Legislature-the contract for furnishing reports of the legislative proceedings being then, as now, placed with the proprietors of the "Times". Eventually, he returned to the " Mona's Herald," and for over twenty years, up to the time of his death, he was chief of the reporting staff of that journal. For many years Mr Canning was the accredited correspondent in the Isle of Man of the Press Association, and in this capacity he did good work for English journalism, and incidentally for the Isle of Man. While engaged in reporting in court proceedings, on Monday, 23rd, he was taken seriously ill, and had to leave for home. His condition quickly grew worse, and, notwithstanding best medical and nursing attendance procurable, it became evident that his position was a very dangerous one. On Saturday, he sank rapidly, and on Sunday night the end came. Mr Canning, though laid up for under a week, had not been in satisfactory health for a considerable period, but he persisted in remaining at the post of duty at times when he should really have been in bed. The cause of death was erysipelas and blood poisonning, induced by a run-down condition of body. Mr Canning's hobby was hunting up of old and rare books, old art pictures, and objects d'art generally.

He was an excellent judge and discriminating buyer of all these things, he acquired a really valuable collection.

He also took a great interest in agriculture and horticulture, and for an amateur was a wonderfully good judge of [], cattle, dogs, and flowers--he fairly excelled in describing and criticising exhibits at agricultural, horticultural, and [] shows. His was a most retentive memory, his mind being stored with [] regarding everything of moment which had occurred in the Isle of Man for [] forty years. Probably no man in the Island knew more people, and was known by more people than he, and his acquaintance extended among all classes of folk. In his youth he was very active and [] of body, and throughout his life took a keen interest in manly and other [] of sport. Unquestionably, in his death, the Island has been deprived of a remarkable and interesting personality. During the last twelve years, Mr Canning took a considerable interest in Church []-he was closely associated in Kirk Braddan, and for some years he regularly attended service at the parish church, but latterly he worshipped at St. Matthew's. He was twice married, his second wife, who survives him, being a Yorkshire lady. By his first wife he had two sons and two daughters, all of whom are grown up and are off the Island.


Mr Canning was laid to rest on the afternoon of New Year's Day. At the funeral there was a very large and representative gathering, which included members of the Legislature and of other public bodies, members of the Manx Bar, and a large contingent of Manx journalists. The body was enclosed in a coffin of unpolished oak, with massive silver furniture, the plate bearing an inscription denoting the name, age, and date of death of the deceased gentleman. Mr R. F. Douglas was the undertaker responsible for the funeral arrangements, which were admirably carried out. The chief mourners were Miss Strappini Canning (elder daughter [of 2nd marriage]) and Mr C. Johnson [sic John] Jones (son-in-law). Wreaths or other floral tributes were sent by "Mother and daughter," Mrs C. J. Jones (daughter [of 1st marriage but 6months pregnant and presumably unfit to travel]), colleagues of the Manx Press, employees at the " Mona's Herald " works, Messrs Clucas and Fargher (proprietors of the " Mona's Herald"), Mr H. B. Mylchreest, Miss Bridson, Mrs R. F. Douglas, Mrs and Miss White, and Mrs Whiteside. The cortege proceeded from Cronkbourne-road to St. Matthew's Church, where the opening portion of the service for the burial of the dead was conducted by the Rev H. S. Taggart, vicar, the lesson being road by the Attorney-General (Mr G. A. Ring). The service in the church was choral, the choir chanting the Psalm and leading in the singing of the hymn, " On the Resurrection morning." As the coffin was carried from the church to the hearse, the Dead March in " Saul " was played on the organ by Mr J. R. Boardman, who in the course of the service had previously rendered " Trauer March " (Grieg) and " Marche Funebre " (Beethoven). Interment was in a grave in the new portion of Kirk Braddan Cemetery. The committal portion of the burial service was impressively recited by the Rev H. S. Taggart, M.A.

[fpc - Moses Canning was married twice - 1st was to Jane Killip on 24 August 1879 at St George's, the 1881 census shows one child Gertrude (died 1958) , Jane Canning is probably the Jane Canning buried Braddan 24 Mar 1889 age 29, other children are likely to be Spencer Carlyle buried Braddan 28 Apr 1886 aged 4 months and Thomas also buried Braddan 11 Sep 1889 aged 7 months]


Died October 16th, 1912.

Mr Thomas McCreanor, who was well-and respected in connection with Douglas theatrical life, died at the age of 58. on Oct. 16th, after a brief illness. For a considerable number of years he has been employed as baggage-man in connection with local theatres, but in earlier life he was for some time a. constable in the Liverpool Police Force. leaving the force he became a boat-man at Douglas, and achieved distinction as an oarsman. Over thirty years ago as a member of one of the professional-four-oared crews which in those days made Douglas famous in the rowing world. He had always an inclination towards the theatre, and was personally acquainted with many thespians of note. Tom was the founder of St. Mary's Amateur Dramatic Club, which still exists, and which has done so much to beguile the tedium of the winter months in Douglas and to aid local charities. He had a fine fund of native humour and good stories, and as he was invariably pleasant tempered, he was a great favourite in his circle of acquaintance.



Died December 27th, 1912.

Mrs Sarah Hall Caine, widow of the late Mr John Caine, of Liverpool, and mother of Mr T. H. Hall Caine, the well known author, and of Miss Lily Hall Caine (Mrs George D. Day), actress, and Mr W. Ralph Hall Caine, journalist, died on Friday, December 27th, at the residence of her daughter in Maida Vale, London. Mrs Caine, who had attained the ripe age of 84, was a member of a well-known Quaker family, settled for many years in Cumberland. By her marriage she lost her recognised connection with the Society of Friends, but throughout her life she retained the simplicity of habit and dress which distinguishes that religious body-never did she wear any jewellery, save her wedding ring. Her elder son, unfortunately, was absent from England when his mother died, the condition of his health necessitating a sojourn at St. Moritz during the winter; but in her last moments she derived comfort from the presence of Mr Ralph Hall Caine and Mrs Day.


The funeral of Mrs Hall Caine took place on Dec. 30th. The coffin was conveyed to Liverpool from London by rail, and a short service was held at the Myrtle-street Baptist Church, of which the deceased had been a member for over half a century. As the cortege entered the church, Mr W. Shaw, the organist, played Chopin's " Funeral March." Most of the older members of the congregation, who had known the deceased intimately, were present, as well as many of her friends in Liverpool

The Rev J. Thomas (pastor) conducted the service, and in a brief address said it was very appropriate that there should be brought into that sanctuary the mortal remains of the deceased lady before being committed to their resting-place. Mrs Hall Caine had been brought up under the pious discipline of the Society o, Friends. Her husband was a member the Anglican Church, and after marriage they found the union of their spiritual life in the Baptist Church, Myrtle-street. Since that time she had been associated with that church for about 60 years, an she had been in actual membership over 50 years. Her fidelity to the church has been most marked. Whilst in Liverpool she had been one of the most regular attenders, and later, when she was removed to a distance, she had retained her sympathies with the church in a very intense way. Her faith was clear and assured in days when faith was becoming shadowy. With respect to such a ]if they had the full assurance that, in the words she herself had expressed, she was passing out of the dark into the light, or in words so simply and beautifull expressed by one of her children, she had passed " to the sunnier "side of life, to the shining land."

The hymns, " Jesu, lover of my soul." and " Art thou weary []" were sung, an at the close Tost,i's "Good-bye" was rendered by the choir.

The interment took place in the family grave at Smithdown-road Cemetery, wheret her husband, John Hall Caine, was buried in 1904, at the age of 83.

Mr Hall Caine, the novelist, was not present, being unable to travel from St. Moritz, Switzerland, owing to ill-health.

The chief mourners included Mr W. Ralph Hall Caine (son), Mrs George D. Day (daughter), Mr and Mrs Walls (niece and nephew), Mr and Mrs John Hugh (niece and nephew), Mr Cecil Cain Hughes (nephew), Mr John Hall Burridge (nephew), Mrs Jeffreys (niece), Ulverston Mr Joseph Moore (cousin), Mr Joh Clarke (cousin), Mr E. and Mr R. Trou dale, and Mr C. F. Quayle (nephews).

Amongst the floral tributes were a larg anchor of lichen and arum lilies, with chain of crimson (the favourite colour of the deceased) from her son and daughter, Mr W. Ralph Hall Caine and Mrs George D. Day; a wreath of lilies, Alpine and Easter, and lilies of the valley, from Mr and Mrs Hall Caine at St. Moritz ; and other tributes from grandsons, Mr G. R. Hall Caine, Mr Derwent Hall Caine, and Mr David G. Day; a chaplet of holly and lilies of the valley from Miss Margaret Phillips (her faithful and devoted nurse and companion), Mr Lawrence T. Walls (nephew, Winnipeg, Canada), Mrs Edward Day (Aldershot), Miss Sarah Grant Herne Bay), Miss Kate Tirehuck (Liver pool), " Ellen " (Mrs Thompson, an attendant at Maids. Vale), Mrs Webster (Birkenhead), Mrs Meek (Liverpool), Miss Bertha Baily (Douglas), and Mrs W. Jeffreys (niece, Ulverston).


" Hiac illae lachrytum."

By the death of Mrs Sarah Hall Caine, mother of the novelist, Hall Caine; of the temperamental artiste of many emotional successes, Mrs Lily Hall Day; of W. Ralph Hall Caine, the man of affairs — all artists who have, and will loom large — the world will lose a force which ever made for the highest within her perception. She had achieved many more rears than the three score and ten allotted in the Book of Books, and her exit from this tiny theatre of our environment is the loss from the drama of life of a very strong personality.

It has been said, and many believe it, that " Time " is kind. It is not so. Time is cruel. Little by little he takes from us all we love and value: slowly, perhaps, so that we go on blindly, and do not realise our loss till, in a moment's sport, he opens our eyes and shows us to ourselves set in a far country whither our feet have strayed, and where we find ourselves naked and alone. Death is not cruel. He guards our treasures for us. Only in his keeping are they safe from Time's cruel hands; for that which Death holds, Time cannot change nor mar.

Few of us are worthy to live, still fewer dare to die. But there are exceptions. The only people who can defy Time are those who live " sans peur of sans reproche." This may be the monarch of whom the lines were " writ " in days long lost; the man who attempts to follow Jesus, the nun who marries Christ, the pure woman who, as maid, as matron, and as mother, fearlessly does her duty, first to her own — for "near as my shirt, nearer is my skin "-and then to all who on this earth do dwell. One of these was Sarah Hall Caine, and perhaps her long pilgrimage from the cradle to the grave meant more in self-denial than to the crowned king, the fool of time, a conscientious Socialist, or the cloistered virgin.

There are millions living, sisters in soul to this dear dead woman. One can imagine her in the hours before the great awakening, as she dreamed away from the ever-ending to the everlasting, thinking of many things. If we knew, perchance she was recalling the past and drawing cheques on the Bank of Memory the Early Victorian days, the many wonderful changes that had happened in her immediate circle; of the sweetheart of her youth, the father of her children, the companion of her later years, who, going first as a man should to prepare the way, would be waiting at the Ivory Gate of the Kingdom to greet her with the first kiss of welcome into the heritage which had ever been hers; and `hose other ones who have left us, or still linger to make heaven on earth. It was this father of whom his son, Hall Caine, in a most. simple and sincere book, " My Story," wrote with such beautiful delicacy but not at sufficient length.

Perhaps Mr Hall Caine will one day do so, because his father was a survival of the Granite Age. He was a man the like of whom in this degenarate age we shall never chance upon again. And for real grit, the author of " The Manxman" has never quite created his prototype in his world-famed romances.

Perchance as her earthly body got quite close to the Goal, her eyes and her brain envisaged the almost phenomenal success of her children with a clarity of vision denied to us whose souls are dust and whose feet are clay. She may have seen that success is not the infinite issue, if the finite result even is a pleasurable soporific to personal vanity. She trusted that her most famous son would do more good for a generation that has been most lavish to him in its gifts of gold and silver-though he has done much-than before. She prayed that the sore tribulation brought by death-a welcome friend to her--to her daughter might be softened by great artistic success in the future. She took comfort that her younger son's child's heart, tempered by the acumen of a man of affairs, would ever be his. She hoped that all her grandchildren would be true then as their grandsire.

It may be that she who has gone never thought these things: I am sure she would never have said them. But I will write this I fancied she did so think, because she was the great-hearted woman when even at point of dissolution, would only remember others. I imagined such brain waves might occur to her. If they did all of us may hope her request may I answerw. For the world was richer for her presence, and debtor to her for the children she gave it.



A cablegram has been received from Adelaide, Australia, conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Mr Henry Brainsby in that city. Mr Brainsby was the elder son of the laze Mr John Brainsby, of Douglas. He served his articles as a civil engineer with the late Mr Daniel Cregeen, C.E., of Douglas, and was for some time assistant surveyor under the Douglas Town Council. He afterwards removed to Walsall, Birmingham, where he was employed under the Town Council as assistant surveyor, and had good prospects before him; but on account of ill-health.. he had to relinquish his position, and was advised to go abroad. He spent some weeks on the Island before going to Australia, last spring. His friends were delighted to hear that under the sunny skies of Adelaide his health was improving, but apparently the improvement was only of a temporary character. He leaves a widow and one child to mourn his loss, and much sympathy will be felt for her — a stranger in a strange land. Mrs Brainsby was Miss Selina Kennaugh, daughter of the late Mr Thomas Kennaugh, butcher, Douglas, and who in her Douglas days rendered yeoman service to many good causes by her charming voice.


The " Marlborough Express " New Zealand, of September 5th had the following:-" Many Marlborough residents regret. to hear that the death occurred at: Linwood, Christchurch, yesterday, of J. J. C. Quane, after a long illness. The deceased was well-known locally owing to his lengthy connection with the Massey Harris Company as a local agent. He was born in the Isle of Man in 1853 and thus aged 59 at the time of his death. When about 29 years of age he left the Old Country for New Zealand, and on landing he engaged in commercial pursuits at Christchurch and Ashburton many years. A widow and two sons — D. Quane (Bleabeim) and Mr J. Quane of Quane and Co., Christchurch are bereaved by his death." — The late Mr Quane was one of the Quanes of Ballaspet Kirk Patrick, a well-known Manx family of whom the late Capt. C B. Quane, harbour master of Douglas, was a menber. Formerly the ownership of Conister Islet, in Douglas Bay, on which the Tower of Refuge is built, was vested in the Quane family, and they also owned considerable property in the neighbourhood of Parade-street The Massey-Harris Company. which the late Mr J. J. C. Quane represented, is a Canadian firm manufacturing all kinds of agricultural machinery and implements, cycles, etc


Died September 28th, 1912 .

By the death of Captain Killip, which took on September 28th after a long illness. Laxey and the parish of Lonan are bereft of one who was highly esteemed throughout his life for his whole-hearted and disinterested endeavour., to []ve sorrow and distress-a man of a deeply athetic nature, he was ever to the fore in all work of a charitable character. The deceased gentleman was born on the 13th May 1842. and while yet of tender years became connected with the Primitive Methodist Church, the services were at that time held in the [] chapel, in the Shore-road. First entering the Sunday-school as a scholar, he afterwards successively became teacher, secretary and superintendent, worthily holding the positions for a number of years. At the age of sixteen he turned his attention to preaching, and at seventeen became a fully accredited local preacher in the Primitive Methodist Church. His pulpit services as a local preacher were highly appreciated in Douglas-with which circuit Laxey was for a number of years connected-Castletown and other parts of the Island, and he was always heartily welcomed wherever he went. When the erection of the present chapel at Minorca was contemplated he was appointed secretary to the building committee, and in connection with the late Mr William Faragher, Gretch Voar, obtained the site for the chapel from Mr Kewley, Gretch Veg. As secretary to the committee, he worked strenuously for the construction of the edifice, and on the completion of the building-which was opened in May, 1870 he was appointed one of the trustees, an office he held to the time of his death. In daily life Captain Killip was employed in Laxey Mines, leaving this employment to become manager of the Industrial Co-operative Society, A year afterwards he resigned this position to become, upon the recommendation of Captain Reddicliffe, under manager of the Laxey Lead Mines. As under manager he was most successful, his abilities as a leader and administrator being greatly appreciated, the esteem and affection in which he was held by the directors, officials, and employees of the mines being expressed when, being compelled to resign his position in 1908 on account of declining strength, all concerned subscribed to and he was publicly presented with an illuminated address, marble clock, and pair of bronze ornaments. The deceased gentleman was, during his life, connected with and held official positions in most public bodies in the village. For about twelve years he was president of the Laxey Industrial Co-operative Society, Limited ; for eighteen years a member of the Lonan School Board ; for a number of years a member of the Board of Wage Commissioners ; and for a considerable number of years was honorary secretary to the Miners' Poor Relief Fund, a system of voluntary relief for the poor which was in vogue before the adoption of the compulsory system, and in recognition of his services in this latter office, he was in 1887 presented by his friends with an illuminated address and a silver watch and chain. As a member of the Loyal North Star Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellows (Manchester Unity), he was well-known to many in all parts of the Island. For nearly forty years he was permanent secretary of his lodge, and worked earnestly for the advance of Oddfellowship, not only locally, but throughout the Island. He passed through all the chairs of his lodge, and also attained the highest distinction of the district, being a Past Provincial Grandmaster of the Isle of Man district. His later years have been occupied in other ways, beneficent work always appealing to him. When the Peal fishing boat "Quick-step' was lost off the south of the Island (a local man being one of the crew), he acted as local secretary of the fund which was instituted for the relief of the widows and orphans, and he was also secretary of the Snaefell Mines Disaster Fund from May 1897 to May, 1911, a period of fourteen years. To those who left the mines for South Africa and other places abroad he addressed words of counsel and encouragement which have been helpful to and remembered by many. His influence for good, and the memories of his numerous activities have inspired many to noble aspirations. He never considered self, but at the call of duty was always ready to sacrifice his own rest and comfort. May his life stand before us as an example.

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing, leave behind us
Foot-prints on the sands of time.


The funeral of Captain Killip took place on October 1st, the place of interment being Lonan Parish Churchyard. The members of the Loyal North Star Lodge of Oddfellows and a large number of friends and acquaintances of the deceased gentleman gathered to pay their last respects. The coffin was borne to the front of the house by four employees of Great Laxey Lead Mines, where the Rev W. Carr gave out the verses of that well-known hymn "Nearer, my God, to Thee," those present joining in singing of it. After prayer, the coffin was carried by the miners to the gates of the Primitive Methodist Church, whence four officers of the deceased's lodge carried the remains into the church, where the funeral service was held, the Rev W. Carr officiating. The rev gentleman, in addressing the congregation, said : We have gathered to-day to pay our last respects to our departed brother and friend. We may not bring flowers or wreaths, but we do bring hearts over-flowing with love and esteem for he who has worked so nobly among us. There may be other captains with other names but there was only one Captain Killip. It was not an easy task to stand between employers and employed and do the duty faithfully to both, but in this respect Captain Killip nobly succeeded, and had not an enemy in the world, but was surrounded by loving friends who gratefully acknowledged and remembered the many good deeds and helpful words which he willingly gave to all.-At the conclusion of the service the "Dead :lurch in Saul" was played whilst the procession filed out of chapel, whence the cortege proceeded by way of :Minorca and Old Laxey Hill to the churchyard for the interment of the body, the Rev W. Carr again officiating at the graveside. The burial address of the Oddfellows' Society was read by Mr George Preston (permanent secretary of the Loyal North Star Lodge):

The chief mourners were :-
Stanley Killip (son), Mrs Corlett (sister), Mess J. J. Moughtin and R. Corlett (sons-in-law), C Moughtin and R. S. Corlett (grandsons), Hess J. McLean (brother-in-law) and Stanley McLean (nephew), Mr and Mrs J. E. Gelling, Mr and Mrs W. Cain, Mr and Mrs J. Quarrie, Mr and Mrs W. Clague, and Mr and Mrs Arthur Cowell (nephews and nieces), and Mrs Kewin (cousin) Among those present at the funeral were Captain Reddicliffe, Messrrs T. McKneale, C.P., J. Kerruish, M.H.K., Mr and Mrs J. Bateman, Messrs J. Currie, T. Coole, R. Moughtin, R. Kelly, W. Kelly, W. Mylrea, W. Moore, J. Kelly Baldroma, J, Killip, T. Killip, R. J. Clague, H. Clague, J. Clague, and many others.


The " Bootle Herald," of October 26th, contained the following account of the death and funeral of Mr Philip Sansbury, second son of the late Mr Thomas Sansbury, harbour master of Derbyhaven in the old days when Derbyhaven was a port of considerable importance:

On Friday the funeral took place of the late Mr Philip Sansbury, who passed away after a brief illness. The deceased had been for 24 years a member of the borough police force, and would shortly have been entitled to his pension. The remains were enclosed in a polished oak coffin, with massive brass fittings, the breastplate having the following inscription: " Philip Sansbury, died October 15th, 1912, aged 51 years." It was covered with numerous wreaths sent by relatives and friends, and it also bore the late officer's uniform, helmet, and accoutrements. The body was conveyed by the I.O.M. Steamship Co.'s Tynwald, for interment in the family grave at Castletown. The cortege was preceded to the Bootle boundary by a large number of officers and men of the Bootle Police Force. The widow, and deceased's son and sisters, accompanied the body to Douglas, where it was taken to the house of his sister, Mrs Callister. From there the cortege proceeded to Malew Church, where the Rev J. M. Spicer conducted an impressive service. The chief mourners were: The widow and son, Mrs Callister, Mrs Corkhill, Mrs J. Steel (sisters), Mr J. Callister (nephew), Mrs Francis, Mr and Mrs Lloyd, Mr J. Steel (brother-in-law), Mrs Radcliffe, Mr and Mrs W, Cowin, Mr Quayle, Mr T. Curphey (Derbyhaven), Mr G. Looney, Mr T, Kewish (Castletown), Mr T. Cornish, etc. Amongst the floral tributes were wreaths from the widow and son, Mr and Mrs Callister and family (Douglas), Mr and Mrs Corkhill and family (Dalton and Furness), Mr and Mrs Steel and family (Santon), Mr and Mrs Humphries, Mr S, Williams, Mrs Snedden, Miss M. Snedden, Mrs and Miss Teare, " a spray from little Louie," a beautiful wreath from his comrades in the Bootle police force, a wreath and artificial flowers from neighbours in Hood-street..


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