
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: William Crow point of interest

The kennerley name has been talk about on several paid for sites for years.

First they tell you they do know for sure where the name Kennerley first came from.

Than they tell of the earliest record ;I think it was Plute or Lute Kennerley.But, he was not from Kennerliegh ,but moved to cheshire area.
Than they quote one of my great grandfathers name"James Kennerley" as a referrance for Cheshire. In old Iris tongue and walsh tongue the names CYNEWEARD = ROYAL GUARDIAN
and CENWEARD = BOLD GUARDIAN which names for Kennedy or O'kennedy.And these are used for Kennerley from these sites.

I have seen no proof that Kennerley is another form of Kennerliegh.Infact,I have not even encount the name Kennerliegh in any of my 1000 or so Kennerley names.I have come accoss Kennelly,Konerly,Kennerly and about 8 other forms of the spelling.I have not yet seen any proof that the Kennerley name is first and only found in Cheshire as it is
claimed.Infact,several referrances show that Kennerley were from either Isle of Man or Ireland. As I understand it,through history Isle of Man has had a strong relations with wales and Ireland.

Out of nowhere appears the name Kennerley,claimed my many knowledgeable genealogy site.Yet, in their same breath they tell you the earliest records of Kennerleys come from outside Cheshire.

You ask me how I can state what I said. I ask how can these referrances be claimed without document proof?
Indeed when I was looking for Kennerleys in Kennerliegh I did not find one.But, I found two Kennerley in Isle of Man and one was a Quaker.And,I am not sure about the other one.

Then,I came across Cowley which was cross-referrances with Kennerley.

I do not said I am right but like so many other missed facts ,Kennerley remains under clear.
This is why the kennerley name begins to end at the beginning of the name's history.Around sometime in 1500's the name Kennerley changed from what it was in the first place.
And that appear to be the Irish or walsh form of the Name CYNEWEARD and CENWEARD.Again claimed by those same genealogy experts.

The other fact is many genealogy reseachers claim that the people took the names of the towns they lived in. Yet, you do not find everyone from Kennerliegh named with that surname! You do however find that higher Class/royal families took the town name for a surname. Or rather genealogist put their towns as their surnames.

Also, it can be shown that the people even in England take the clan name or a form there of.Also, a lot of English names are taken from there occupation not their town.
Also, it is very common to find the of son ,Mac,
and other types of surnames.

Yet,the biggest myth stated my genealogist is the people take their town's name.I think this is hogwash and miss leading.
