
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Look up 1871
In Response To: Re: Look up 1871 ()

Thanks Bruce. The elusive Thomas remains a bit of a full stop I'm afraid. I know he married Mary Richie at Braddan in 1856. The wonderful Sandra Morrell-Willis at the records Office has managed to track down a record which she is in the process of sending to me, but unfortunately, it only states that he is of "full age" so I can't get any date of birth from that. I also don't know where he was born as although Mary Richie was born in Scotland, the whole family moved to the IOM before she was three. Thomas could have come from anywhere. I have thought he might have been in the army or navy, or in prison or workhouse but his "daughter" states that he was a warehouseman. I am hoping that he'll appear somewhere amongst other lines of enquiry. Fun isn't it? There is a Thomas Miller buried at Braddan in 1867 but he was 25 according to records (this may be wrong of course) which would have made him 14 when he married 19 year old Mary.