
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

The Place
In Response To: Re: Land owned by Quine family ()


The Place [always pronounced Flace] is the next farm north from Arderry. It has not been occupied since the 1830's.

It is very picturesque, yet must have been a hard place to farm.

The name means "Palace" in Manx and is a satirical name implying that the property was somewhat basic.

The Quines who owned it were a younger branch of the Arderry family who go back there to 1540. The last was William who moved to Douglas. He was the rightful heir to Bibaloe in Onchan which was 10 times better than The Place. This he duly inherited from a 2nd cousin, but I think the farm was heavily mortgaged, and more was spent suing to recover the inheritance.

His only son John was settled in the City of London - any leads?

I would be fascinated to hear of any descendants of the Quines of the Place.