
Manx Genealogy

Re: Miscellaneous Manx Wills
In Response To: Re: Miscellaneous Manx Wills ()

Better news today, Craig.

Isle of Man: Miscellaneous Wills 1604 through 1635 found in 2 of 3 fragile record collections that were not microfilmed in the 1970s with the others but were photographed by Robert & now found on Manxmanorialroll.com.

Originals in the Manx Museum.

Transcribed by Joyce M Oates.

ManxWill 1610M #61 Lezayre will of John Garrett, died 2? June 1610:
summary: wife is not mentioned, son Daniel / Donold, other children, sister Marriad [Garrett], sister’s dau Joney
Kerruish, brother Ewan Garrett, supervisor: brother Ewan Garrett, supervisors: underage John Cowle & his father Daniel /
Donold Cowle, also: Mallooney Garrett, Gubbon Garrett, John Kerruish, John Cowle, witnesses: Silvester Crowe
minister & John Crowe clerk,

------e dei ---- ------ ---- the ijth[?] of June I John Garret
sicke in bodie but whole in mynd and of pfect memorie
(praised be God) doe make my last will and testament
in forme followeinge: first I doe commend my soule unto
the hands of my redeemer and my bodie to the Earth,
I leave and bequeath unto my sister Mariod viijs
which I owe her, Item to my sisters daughter Jonie Kerrowish
vs[5s] which I owe here, Item to John Kerrowish iiijs so that he
enter my childs name in the booke roules as tenant of
the Croafft wherin I dwell, Itm I leave and bequeath
to John Cowle half one quarter of a cowe, Item to my brother Ewan
xijd or the wroth thereoff, To Mallowny Carrett xijd
Itm to Gubbone Carrett vjd, Itm I leave and bequeath
the Croft whearin I dwell unto my child Donold and
if he die then the eldest child to have the same wthout
devision and so wholi after the death of one to another,
I doe constitut and ordaine my sonne Donold execut, Itm
I will that John Cowle be the overseer of my sayd child
and dureinge the minoritie of the sayd John my will is that
his father Donold Cowle be supvisor of my sayd child
note that note that Donold Cowle hath refused in the face of the Courte the
supvisorship & therfor the Law hath appoynted Hewan Caret ther uncle supvisor
Inventor: ante sestum purificationis
virgum Marie sub paena vs[5s] Silvester Crowe
pbatu est et Testes Jo: Crowe clerke
solvit iiijd
This fyne prsented to
the Lords bookes
And so to the Lo:
