
Manx Genealogy

Re: found marriage in Bride, but children in Micha

Hi Philip, I have the following information only from the LDS - Isle of Man, Parish Registers which they have filmed.
showing the following children born to an Ann Joughin and James Clauge: William bpt 16 Feb 1752, Daniel bpt 2 Nov 1755, Elizabeth bpt 17 Feb 1758, and Mary bpt 2 Feb 1764.This would make Ann 44 when Mary was born, so have my doubts if this is correct. Bpt's all in Michael.
Mary Clauge married John Cain in Michael on the 16 Jan 1796, she would have been 31 and last child when she was 45. Some of this is research I did years ago and now just trying to really sort it out and things are not looking too good. you can email on ailsa@st.net.au so that I can send you further information regarding what I have. Thanks Ailsa