
Manx Genealogy


Dear Ms. Coakley,
In your Manx notebook. the Wills if 1661, if you read down it has highlighted QUAKERS, which I hit and went into, and one reference was MAN & QUAKERS: ISLE OF MAN 1655-1735, reading the whole document, listed an alphabetical listing of CONVERTS from 1655-1735, Bishop Barrow seems to love to reel The Quakers in for presentments, HANDFASTING, pledging by hand and word to be man and wife and they not being married by the traditional marriage one couple being ROBERT CALLOW, A WEAVER AND JONEY CORLETT-NEE-COWLE, MARGARET CORKILL-NEE- COWLE of MAUGHOLD, were presented for inprisonment for not receiving the LORD'S SUPPER. The QUAKERS populated MAUGHOLD it seems primarily, the persecution was very harsh, free thinkers, and having the will to keep going. Tithes of such fish, corn, land, no wonder so many left when they got a chance, but of course the QUAKERS were taken off the Isle MANY TIMES,even in one iccident,leaving 4 chidren as orphans on the sea shore, when taking the mother, and let her keep only the one she was nursing, yet the MANX people were sympathic to the QUAKERS because you had freedom in religion.

My question, you say there was very little to go on since PARISH records kept the history of birth, baptism,of non QUAKERS, MANX, which the QUAKERS did not believe in infant baptism, yet some attended parish services and had their children buried in the church yards. to keep from being persecuted, is there any record of the the children in PARISH records of the QUAKER children or adults being buried in the [PARISH GRAVEYARDS, in BALLAUGH, a woman was found in FIELDDITCH, are as you state DITCH FIELD and buried. So how do we know who is buried at what PARISH did they keep records like PHILIP was buried at a different parish than his birth.

HOW can we know who is buried in the grave yards, outside of MANX and if any of the QUAKERS who had children as the 4 orphans, how were they recorded in ORPHAN RECORDS ON THE ISLE??????

I would like to know for I WAS INTERESTED IN THE JONEY CORLETT nee COWLE, she was a QUAKER CONVERT, it appears.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa