
Manx Genealogy

Re: Purchase of IOM Records
In Response To: Re: Purchase of IOM Records ()

Hi - As you are a FHS member you must have their mags? The CDs and prices were listed there. I bought two: Andreas, Bride, and Jurby on one, and Braddan 1624-1849 on the other. Both cost £12.50 plus postage (varies), but others cost £10.00, £15.00, or £20.00 (Braddan 1849-1981 & missing entries). I've forgotten "your" parishes, sorry, but Arbory & Rushen are on one CD and Ballaugh & Michael on another, both £12.50 + postage. If you tell me which parish I'll look it up if you can't find the mag (Aug.2011 - but I think also in others).
