
Manx Genealogy

In Response To: Re: CORLETTE TREE ()

sorry to bring up the DNA yet again - you explicitly claimed DNA connection with Niall (one of Irish high Kings) and even mentioned the genetic marker and I recall Averil posting that this was inconsistent with all the known Manx Cains but consistent with the Irish cain branch (some of the remnants of these posts may still be in the archives but Sue had to delete many threads to meet your requirement of removal of your posts) - the Australian running the Cain DNA database is on record as stating the DNA from decendents of Patrick Cain (and he linked Frank Trowbridge's name to it) was interesting to him as it was the first that had the Irish marker yet claimed a Manx background - this ties in with my own brief conversation with the visiting Cains last year at Museum one of whom calimed he was doubtful of Frank's claim re manx background as his DNA matched quite closely that of an Irish family.
The Scot-Irish would be Presbyterian (ie no Bishops etc) + would not at that period claimed any share of the Irish 'folklore' which they considering as belonging to the backward Catholic population whose land they had acquired