
Manx Genealogy

Re: Isleofman.com site now owned by Manx Telecom

Dear Ms. Jones,
I shall second your entire post. This site is the most valuable site I have ever came upon, the volunteers who give of their time and work is beyond words of gratittude. The MANX NOTEBOOK is a GOLD MINE OF DATA, literally, The untiring and unwavering working of researchers, even though, sometimes, we may not always agree with their findings. We do,though, respect those who give FREE TIME OF FINDNG OUR ANCESTORS of the ISLE OF MAN, they do this with much heartiness. Some who even walk to grave yards, as one special lady I know does, another researcher who will not ACCEPT honor, which I GIVE TO HER AND ALL WHO WORK DAILY IN THE MUSEUM with look-ups for those who cannot cross the pond or fly thousands of miles to do the research. We take for granted these wonderful volunteers, we should honor them with their unselfish willingness to research.

This board may one day be a paid board as many others are, paying a fee, for the services, which you shall not find such a site as stated by Ms. Jones anywhere on the computer sites. I, too, have researched for other boards of this nature, who give so much for FREE, YOU CANNOT FIND ONE. I hope this board shall stay the way it is, but I would certainly understand if fees were to become a part of the site, for research is hard work, and a worker deserves his wages for that work. The site is as though, stated by Donna Douglas, a tool for tourism, because once you find your ancestors, you want to walk where they walked, worked, loved, reared their families, worship in the PARISH CHURCHES where they worshipped, see the land they farmed and be able to make that trip to your ancestry homeland. TOURISM IS BIG PART OF THE ISLE'S REVENUES and this board surely gives much in that way for the Isle. The researchers give their all, and I do hope the board stays as is, but would not mind paying a fee to service the board for all those who particpate. I, KNOW THAT I RECENTLY RECEIVED A GIFT, from a board helper, which I DEARLY THANK FOR THAT GIFT. I have not replied back due to MOTHER'S ILLNESS AND PASSING, but I shall soon reply for the graciousness of this person.

The site is beyond all words of kindness, even to those who feel the data could be conflicting, but PARISH RECORDS CANNOT BE MISTAKEN FOR THEY HOLD THE HISTORY OF MANX FAMILIES THROUGHOUT THE AGES, AS DOES LAND DEEDS. So we must be willing to compromise when we conflict, the BOARD IS THE GREATEST TOOL I HAVE FOUND FOR ANCESTRY RESEARCH AND ALL FOR FREE, WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT!

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa