
Manx Genealogy

Re: Kates Cottage Again
In Response To: Re: Kates Cottage ()

I remember visiting Mr. and Mrs Tate when I was very young. I had allergies and was prescribed goat's milk. My Dad went three times a week up to the mountain to buy milk from Mrs Tate Dad knew Rhodes Tate, and when we looked out through the nursing-home window today and saw Kate's Cottage, he said 'Oh we had a row with Rhodie'. I said what was that about. Rhodie worked for our relations, the Kelly family off Ballamoddha and Algare, East Baldwin. They were the tenants of the mountain grazing lands between baldwin and Creg na Baa. The cottage itself had been built by the Crown after the Dissaforresting Act of 1860 led to the break-up of the old Common Lands. The Cottage was one of a number built to assist in letting the mountin lands. Others would include Brandywell Cottage, and another one up above Ballahimmin?? The Kellys got the cottage with the tenancy. This would fit in with the cottage being sold off by the Forestry Mines and Lands Board.. The row was apparently cconnected with the need for constant repairs to the stone wall which formed the boundary between our farms in Baldwin and the mountain lands above, The custom was for joint repairs, we sent Bobby Moughtin, one of our workers, but he had to work on the downhill side, and had a harder job. Apparently his rate of work was too slow for Rhodie, who probably thoiught my Dad who was about 1 foot tallerr than Bobby, should have come himself to build up the wall