
Manx Genealogy

Re: Accomdations
In Response To: Re: Accomdations ()

Dear Ms. Coakley,
Thank you for replying, and also about the accomodations, have called the Landsdown and spoke with the propietor and looks as that shall be the Guest House, very near to the Museum and all needs while we do the genealogy work. Our genealogy, states that GILBERT CORLETT was the brother of ANNE, not just by the will, we have data that shows he was a brother, so we have not got a will on him, that is why I have much to do, I was told to join the FAMILY HISTORY Society, so I have downloaded the application, AND PLAN TO JOIN, it was stated it would be helpful in my research. I want the Corlett side moreso now than the CAINE side, For I feel we may have finished the line, except for collateral. I know that GILBERT CORLETT in also entwined with the CAINES ,AS CATHERINE GAWNE, AND ANN CARRAN, was JOHN'S WIFE, ANNE CORLETT WAS NOT MARRIED TO OUR JOHN, OUR JOHN WAS MARRIED TO ANN CARRAN. MARGARET WAS JOHN'S CHILD AND WAS FOSTER CHILD AND JOHN WAS FOSTER CHILD OF PATRICK CAINE, MARGARET MARRIED A QUIGGIN, WE HAVE ALICE AND ELINOR OFF OUR PATRICK CAINE, YOU ONLY HAVE TWO CHILDREN AND PATRICK JR, WAS THE GRANDSON OF ANNE CAINE, WHOM WAS MARRIED TO ADAM CAINe, we had the lands knowledge long ago, not as in depth as you had, but that they were not of the BISHOP'S DIMENSE,I STILL BELIEVE OUR ADAM WAS MARRIED TWICE,THAT ANN CORLETT DIED and HE REMARRIED THE ANNE CALLISTER, THERE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE BEEN TWO MARRIAGES, So my visit to the Museum which I plan to call today, which I shall ask many questions and bring them data whereby we can get this all cleared up. Tis late,so will close, almost dawn here, thank you again for you help and let me know when the package arrives.

Kindly yours,

Mrs. Rosa