
Manx Genealogy

Re: Ann Curphey (Cannell)
In Response To: Ann Curphey (Cannell) ()

Ann Corjeag’s marriage to William Curphey:

Kirk Michael 1850 16th Nov William Curphey, full age, widower, labourer, Balla Chrink, s/o William Curphey, farmer
& Ann Corjeage, full age, sp, Balla Kinnag, d/o Thomas Corjeage, weaver. Her mark
Wit: Daniel Kelly joiner, Wm Cannell

In my notes I suggest this Ann is:

Ann d/o Thos. Corjeage & Charlotte Myllicarane/Mylecarane, Aug 20/ 29 1813 Kirk Michael
Thomas Corjeage Widower married Charlotte Mylecharane sp botp 31 May 1813 Kirk Michael

It also seemed that this might be the same Ann who had the following illegitimate children:

Jane d/o Ann Corjeage Feb 28 1834 Kirk Michael
Corjeag, Jane Mic bur. 20 May 1834/ Corjeag Jane daughter of Ann 20 May 1834
Jane Christian d/o Ann Corjeage Oct 18 1835 Kirk Michael
Thomas s/o Ann Corjeag, [p.30] 16 Feb 1841 Kirk Michael

And this could then be Ann and her children in 1841, supposing that the children’s father had been called Cowley:

(1841 census) Mony Mollagh, Michael HO 107/1464 e.s.17 p1 (ED 2 Village Qtr, after Druidale)
Ann Corjiage - 28 - labourer - IOM - [1813]
Jane Cowley - 5 - - IOM
Thomas Cowley - 6mo. - IOM

However, where are the children in 1851?

Not with Ann and her new husband William Curphey (and his children by Ann Cannell):
(1851 census) Michael (dist 2) HO 107/2523 f.311 p.6 sch.21
William Curphey - 45 - Farm labourer - Rushen
Ann - 38 - Michael
Thomas - 15 - Farmer labourer - Malew
Jane - 9 - House servant - Malew
Charls - 6 - Michael
Ellen - 11 - Malew

Of the Thomas Corjeages I know of,

Thos Corjeage s/o John Corjeage & Bahee Cannell 26th July 1789 Kirk Michael

seems a likely father for Ann.

If this is right, John Corjeage of Balloney, KK Michael (died May 1837 aged 88) says in his will, written in November 1829,
“I leave & bequeath to the children of Thomas my son late deceased ....” so he must have died between 1823 & 1829. I have yet to find a burial for him. Children of Thomas -

Ann d/o Thos. Corjeage & Charlotte Myllicarane/Mylecarane, Aug 20/ 29 1813 Kirk Michael
Charlotte d/o Thos Corjeage & Charlotte Myllicarane Oct 16 1814 Kirk Michael
Jane Christian d/o Thos Corjeage & Charl Mylecharane March 9 [p.7] 1823 Kirk Michael

I can’t account for the large gap in the ages of Thomas & Charlotte’s children, or explain the significance, if any, of the fact that Ann was ‘of Ballakinnag’ in her marriage record, but her probable grandfather was of ‘Balloney’.