
Manx Genealogy

Re: Tracing a Blore ancestor
In Response To: Re: Tracing a Blore ancestor ()

So why did Henry Ford and Charlotte Hayes give the middle name of Blore to one of their twins ? Do you suppose that, by 1858 Wm and Eliza Blore were childless, and that Henry and Charlotte decided to let Wm and Eliza bring up one of their twins, and so they named her accordingly ?

That is a really interesting theory, no one to carry on the Blore legacy of the tobacco shop or they needed someone to assist in there shop?
I must say this particular Great Uncle of mine I do find fascinating. I have had paper clippings from the IOM Libary and they do appear to be a couple who in want of better words were a "bit rough around the edges". My great grandfather never drunk apparently he said he had seen so many problems come from drink in the family.

There is a family story we were told about the loss of hs money which could have drove him to despair. I dont know how well known it is or if its a bit of an old wives tale to keep the nieces and nephews entertained...

The deliveries at that that time of Tobacco whould not have been made weekly but when the ships arrived monthly maybe longer. They would have invested heavily and purchased a lot of the tobacco to sell on or for cigar manufacture. One day the delivery was made and the horse was backed up ready to unload, I should mention at this point apparently there was a parrot that sat outside the shop. Whilst the delivery driver was in the shop the Parrot took fancy to imitating the driver and talked the horse to backing the delivery off the quay and into the waters below.

I dont know how well this story is known on the IOM I was hoping there would have been a newspaper report of it at the time but I could only find articles of the sale of his shop items etc. So maybe a bit of a fantasy story?