
Manx Genealogy

Re: New messages unseen
In Response To: Re: New messages unseen ()

Hi Greg,

Yes I see what you mean. The new Search facility is very limited, and does not include partial names, nor the name of the poster, nor the date posted. They are including only full words from within the body of the message. And then the messages are listed by a strange choice of stars. When I put in Kaighin the first messages were under 5 stars, then 4, then 3, etc. - yet all were "Kaighin", including one with subject Kaighin which was given 2 1/2 stars. And, as you say, the dates are all over the place.
I went to page 15 which had no stars, yet still "Kaighin".

I came across this message - the thread will be of interest to you:

You could try writing to Admin? And also about the missing old URLs. They didn't answer my last message about concerns people had put on the BB, so may think I am the only person continually bringing up problems.
