
Manx Genealogy

Re: Adam Caine
In Response To: Re: Adam Caine ()

There was only one set of twins - that to Adam Caine of the gill (Scrondall) in Ballaugh - as I have said several times I was confused by two Adam Caines active at same time (and actually living within 1 mile of each other - in fact I suspect later generations of the families intermarried) - neither were in Bishops demensne though both lived on the boundary thereof. The Adam Caine in Michael(not the father of the twins married Ellinor Steon) - the Adam Cain in Ballaugh, father of the twins, would appear to have a wife Ann Callister (though no marriage entry found) as confirmed by two deeds.

If you replace any old information with that now on the web I think it will be clearer.

As I have pointed out many times your only link with a Manx birth is with a Patrick presumed born in 1712 based on age at death - from this some previous family member determined it must be the twin Patrick born in Ballaugh - I don't know if there was a tradition in the family (dating back before 1950 when the IGI became available) that the family were Manx - certainly non of the other few refs I have seen claim any Manx connection) - the now losy family bible might have provided a clue but it is missing with no record of its contents. If you had employed a researcher in 2003 and given them a starting point of Patrick Caine they would have probably followed the same trail through readily available parish records and wills but not it seems the much more tedious to search deeds and land records - though it does surprise me that both your researcher and especially your family tradition are quiet about the role that Adam Caine (father of Patrick) played in the 1724 riot - heavily fined and stocked in four market towns is surely something that would be remembered by his son.