
Manx Genealogy

parents of James Kellyb c 1851

I thought I had the right parents for James Kelly born 1852/3 married to Eliza Jane & living in C'town. John b 1824/5 in C'town & Jane b 1826/ 7 in Marown but now my sister has said there was another family of Kellys in C'town also painters at that time with a lot of chn. The parents John & Jane also had several chn, to name a few Robert, John, Ann, Thomas & Evan. In 1851 census (Lawsons), James was not born , 1861 a James was 10 & in 1871 a James was 20 but had a diff ref to John & Jane who were then aged 48 & 44. Would appreciate any info to verify that James Kelly married to Eliza Jane in 1878 was the son of J & J . thanks