
Manx Genealogy

Message for Liz

Hello Liz, me again.

Just to ask if it is still possible for you to find the entry in the voters lists that you found for me in August? Here is what you told me back then -

i searched the Douglas ones from 1900 to 1906 but in 1899 the one from union mills had william henry ????? Cox the ?? had a nother name which my daughter said looked like Gorden, or godron, if need be i will return to have a nother look at it, but wont be till monday or tuesday, unless there may be something at Douglas library,,but not sure what they keep in there,,,

I know you mentioned to me in December about filling in the slip and then they go away to find the item and then don't come back for about 15 to 20 minutes, which left you out of time yourself. Is it possible for you Liz to ask someone for help in finding this entry again and hopefully having a copy of it, or even is there anyone that can help Liz who reads this board that is local please as it is important to me to make this connection with my great granddad?

Many thanks