
Manx Genealogy

Re: gawne family
In Response To: Re: gawne family ()

I have got birth cert for William. The marriage cert is not transcribed it is photocopied from original book so maybe it is Kerr but when I look at it, it looks like Kenn because the N looks the same as the N at the end of Aberdeen, but that doesn't mean to say that it isn't Kerr it could be Kern. This is where my big problem has been. Everyone who has looked at it has said it looks like all 3 of them so I have tried all 3 names to try and match it all up but I drew a blank. So if you can clear it up or point me in the direction to solve it I would be greatfull, because this Greatx2 grandad of mine has driven me nuts for months now.

A big thankyou in advance.
