The Manx Methodist Historical Society, founded 1971, issues a newsletter approximately twice per year, though publication dates are rather erratic. These newsletters started in Oct 1984.
An A5 sized publication, originally just 4 sides, but in later
issues extended to 12 pages.
Typical contents include a brief editorial (not generally indexed), a
report of a Lecture or a Visit, and in later issues articles on
specific topics.
Note: in many issues the pages are not numbered - I have numbered
these from the cover as page 1 as in earlier years this also
contained editorial matter. Issues 19 through 22 have numbered pages
(resurrecting the older tradition) but unfortunately no. 23 reverted
back to unnumbered pages and again I have counted the cover as page
The form 22:5-6 refers to Newsletter 22 pages 5 to 6. Some articles,
indicated MWMCR, are reprints from Manx Wesleyan Methodist Church
Record (after 1932 Review), a monthly journal issued from Jan
The abbreviation, PM, is used for Primitive Methodist, where
Barregarrow (reprint MWMCR Jan 1895 re Sunday School Tea Meeting + hymns sung) |
11:3 |
Birth of the MMHSoc (look back at 1971 activities) |
14:2-3 |
15:6 |
9:5 |
Did Satan send William Clowes to the Isle of Man (ex Journal 1828) |
16:4 |
Early Circuit Plans |
18:8-9 |
Extract of Speech delivered City Road Chapel 1860 Edward Corderoy |
15:7 |
Glenmaye Chapel (+ explanation of 'rogue' stone), Rev F.Costain |
7:6 |
Greg (Appreciation of Rev A.S. Gregory, one time at Trinity) (reprint Fellowship of Kingdom Bulletin Summer 1990) |
13:6 |
The Gregory Tree in the (Wesleyan) Methodist Society (A.S.Gregory + Family tree) |
10:4-5 |
Holiness Becometh Thine House (Kerrowkeil) |
8:5-6 |
15:5 |
Interview with Mr Willy Teare 1986 (recollections of Sandygate) |
15:3-5 |
June 1920 (Old Time Methodist Lovefeast - review rpnt from MWMCR) |
9:4 |
19:6-7 |
Kerrowkeil Heritage, Cecil McFee (verse re New Preacher at Kerrowkeil) |
17:3-5 |
Kirk Michael - a Chapel Trail |
26:1-6 |
The Late Miss Elizabeth Davidson (ex MWMCR Nov 1917) |
11:6-7 |
[Lay Preacher with exceptional Memory] Extract from Meth Recorder Winter 1904 |
14:8 |
Letter re Thomas Howdill Architect of Ramsey PM |
23:2-3 |
A Light Set on a Hill (Lhen Moar) |
8:4-5 |
24:4-5 |
7:2-3 |
1:1 |
Manx Wesleyan Synod September 1903 (temperance issues) |
Methodism in Laxey |
8:6-7 |
12:2-3 |
Methodist New Connexion |
25:1-5 |
Miss Nellie Brennan and the Dorcas Society (associated with Thomas Street) |
6:3 |
My Faith in God (Poem Mrs A. Moore, recollections of Mr Moore) |
3:3-4 |
18:3-8 |
North Shore (ex MWMCR Jan1895) |
11:5 |
Notes on Loch Parade Primitive Methodist Church |
16:9 |
Notes on Methodist New Connexion, Eve Chapman, (Douglas, Ramsey) |
17:8 |
An Old Manx Worthy - William Boyde (reprint MWMCR Nov 1917) |
10:7 |
Oldest Local Preacher [Mr R.Shimmin + list of other locals] (ext Weekly Times Sept 1937) |
14:9-10 |
The Olney Hymns |
25:8-12 |
'The Parable of the Blackbird' (moral parable) extract from 'This Other Eden' by Rev D.Clarke |
9:6-7 |
Peeps into Past (Comparison Castletown/Manchester 1871) |
2:3-4 |
7:1 |
Quarterly Meetings (aims of Sermons etc - ex MWMCR Jan 1895) |
13:2 |
Ramsey Circuit (mainly dealing with Bazaar) (ex MWMCR Jan 1895) |
13:7 |
Record of Conversation re Kerrowkeil (Tommy Taggart) |
17:6 |
The 1851 Religious Census of the Isle of Man |
26:10 |
Rev Hugh Cowley |
25:13 |
Rosemount 1933-1967 - A personal Reminiscence,Ian Whittaker |
23:6-10 |
The Story of My Church (Crosby, Ballakilpheric, Trinity) - Sunday School Competition Review |
6:2 |
The Story of the Cross (reprint MWMCR Jan 1895 John Craine's Oratorio) |
11:4 |
Sulby Circulating Wesleyan Library |
16:5 |
Sunday School Picnics (Ballasalla ex MWMCR Aug 1916) |
13:3-4 |
19:5 |
The Trials of being an Editor (inc reprint MWMCR Aug 1916) |
13:2 |
24:5-6 |
A Walk around Ramsey |
26:7-9 |
William Boyde (follow up letter from Miss M McHardy) |
11:5 |
The names in italics refer to several chapels within a geographic area. Those references in bold refer to major articles, those in light are references within more general articles.
Oct 1984, |
Miss A.M. Harrison |
(Methodist records, Leodest) |
2:2-3 |
Oct 1985, |
Rev R. Kissack |
'A Prologomena to Manx Methodist History' (History Wesley's visits) |
Mar 1986 |
M. Kelly |
'The Apostle of the Isle of Man, Mr John Crook' |
Mar 1987 |
Rev E. Cubbon |
'Primitive Methodism' |
7:3-4 |
Oct 1987 |
C.C McFee |
8:2-3 |
Oct 1988 |
Rev F. Costain |
'Old Manx Worthies ,(Preachers/Class Leaders South of Island)' |
9:2-3 |
Apl 1989 |
Rev R. Kissack |
'250th Anniversary of J Wesley's first Open Air meeting' |
10:2-3 |
Mar 1989 |
J. Roscoe |
'Non-conformism in the 18th Century on the Isle of Man' |
10:5 |
Nov 1989 |
C.C. McFee |
'Manx Hymn Tunes' |
11:2-3 |
Nov 1990 |
Miss A.M. Harrison |
'Methodist Archives' |
12:5-6 |
Oct 1991 |
Rev R. Kissack |
'Unfinished Business' [records, relics etc] |
15:2-3 |
Autumn 1992 |
Rev L. Duchars |
'Memories and Recollections' |
17:7-8 |
Spring 1993 |
Rev R. Kissack |
'The Contribution of Methodism to the Culture of the Isle of Man' |
17:9 |
Sept 1993 |
L.K. Davies |
'Charles Wesley's Hymns' |
18:2-3 |
Apl 1994 |
Mrs F. Bazin |
19:2-4 |
Sept 1994 |
Dr H. Bird |
20:3-5 |
Nov 1994 |
Sr. Beryl Bonwick |
20:8-10 |
Jan 1995 |
B. Thompson |
'Methodism and Methodists commemorated on Stamps' |
21:1-4 |
Mar 1995 |
Miss A.M. Harrison |
'Reflecting in the Archives' |
21:5-7 |
Autumn 1995 |
B Caine |
'The Manx Carval' |
23:4-5 |
April 1996 |
F.Cowin |
24:2-3 |
Feb 1997 |
J. Low |
'The Olney Hymns' |
25:8-12 |
Cashin, Tom -1994 |
Clague, Henry 1808-1884 (ex Castletown W.Cct Local Preachers' Meeting 1883) |
15:7 |
Craine, Arthur 1909-1997 |
26:11 |
Corrin, J.R. 1878-1972 |
7:4-5 |
Costain, Jas 1815-1883 (ex Castletown W.Cct Local Preachers' Meeting 1883) |
15:6 |
Cowley, Hugh -1996 |
25:13-14 |
Gale, Harold 1900-1984 |
19:1 |
McFee, Cecil C. -1992 |
16:3 |
McHardy, Mary -1992 |
16:2-3 |
May 1972 (Peel Rechabite Hall, Lhergydhoo, Knocksharry,) |
14:6-7 |
May 1983 (Ronague, Eairy Stein) |
14:7 |
May 1984, (Poortown, Laurel Bank, Lambfell, Knocksharry, Lhergydhoo, Peel) |
1:2-3 |
Aug 1985 (Abbeylands, East Baldwin, West Baldwin, Union Mills) |
May 1986 (Kerrowmooar, Sulby, Sandygate, Kerrowgarrow, Ballakaneen, Bride) |
4:3-4 |
Aug 1986 (Kerrowkeill, Colby, Ballakilpheric, Croit-e-Caley, Ballafesson) |
5:2-3 |
Sep 1987 (Glen Rushen) |
7:4-5 |
Autumn 1990 (Colby) |
12:4 |
May 1991 (Pulrose, Willaston) |
13:5 |
Aug 1991 (Ballaugh, Ballaterson PM, Curragh, Cronk, Ballakinnag) |
14:4-6 |
July 1992 (Douglas) |
16:6-9 |
22:1-4 |
22:5-8 |
May 1997 (Kirk Michael - a Chapel Trail) |
26:1-6 |
July 1997 (A Walk around Ramsey) |
26:7-9 |
The Manx Methodist Historical Society may be contacted via
The Secretary
28 , Droghadfayle Road,
Port Erin,
Isle of Man IM9 6EN
Any comments, errors or omissions
gratefully received MNB
Editor |