From Manx Soc vol IV,VII & IX

A Brief Glossary of the Principal Terms occuring in ancient Chronicles, Charters, and other Muniments.

Absolutionus Dies, or Dies Jovis absoluti, or Le Jeudi absolu. Maunday Thursday.
Animarum dies. All Soul’s day, the 2nd of November.

Brancheria. Palm Sunday.

Candelato, Candelaria, Candelière, Calamai. The 2nd of February.
Cantata Domino. The introit and name of the fourth Sunday after Easter.
Caput Kalendarum, Caput Nonarum, Caput Iduum. Vide Kalendas.
Coeena Domini. The Thursday before Good Friday ; called also Maunday Thursday, and Shere Thursday.

Dies Adoratus. Good Friday : called also Vendredi-Douré.
Dies Cinerum. Ash Wednesday.
Dies Dominicus. The day of our Lord. Easter Day. " Dies Dominicus" and " Dies Dominica" also signify Sunday.
Dies Magnus. Easter day.
Dies Natalis. The anniversary of the martyrdom or of the death of a saint ; of the accession of a prince, a pope, a bishop, &c.
Dies Osanne,Palm Sunday, or the sixth Sunday in Lent.
Dies Palmarum Ramorum, Palm Sunday, or the sixth Sunday in Lent.,
Dominica ad Palmas. Palm Sunday.
Dominica Misericordias, is that Sunday which before the twelfth century, the Latins called the fourth Sunday after Pentecost.
Dominica Resurrectio, does not always signify the Sunday of the Resnrrection, but is sometimes used for every Sunday in the year.
Dominica Roses, or de Rosa, or Rosata The fourth Sunday of Lent ; so calle because of the benediction bestowec on a golden rose on this day by the Pope.*
Dominica de Transfiguratione. The second Sunday of Lent, the gospel for which day contains the history of the tranfiguration of our Lord.

Exaltatio Sanctre Crucis. The 14th of September.

Feria ad Angelum. The Wednesday of the Ember weeks of Advent, because the church sings on that day the Gospel "Missus est."
Feria prima. Sunday.
Feria secunda. Monday. " Feria tertia," &c., to " Feria septima," Satur day.
Festa Paschalia. The feasts of the Nativity, of the Resurrection, and of Pentecost.
Festum Animarum. All Soul’s day, the 2nd of November.
Festum Olivarum. Palm Sunday.

Gaudete in Domino. The introit and name of the third Sunday in Advent.
Gulre Augusti. August 1st, Lammas day.

Hebdomata authentica, Holy week.
Hebdomada Crucis, I
Huitiève. Octave.

In excelso throno. The introit and name of the first Sunday after the Epiphany.
Inventio sanctas Crucis. In the Latin church, the 3rd of May ; amongst the Greek of the middle age, the 6th of March. The Greeks now celebrate this feast with that of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Jejunales Dies. The holy days of fasting, as Jejuninm Quadragesimale, the Lenten fast ; Jejunium Paschale, the Paschal fast, &c.
Jejunii (Caput). Ash Wednesday.
Jejunium Dispensationis. The eve of the days of celebrating great and solemn fasts.

Kalendie, dies Calendarum, or Kalendarum. The day of the Calends. This is commonly the first day of the month, and somtimes the first day of the month preceding, on which day the Calends of the month following began to be reckoned.

Litania, Litanias. This word is often confounded with the Rogations, because the Litanies are sung in the processions of the Regotations. To distinguish the Litanies of St. Mark’s day, the 25th of April, from the Litanies of the Rogations, the former have been frequently designated " Litania major," or " Litania Romana ;" and the latter, " Litania minor,’ ‘ or " Litania Gallicana."

Mense. That day four weeks.
Mensis fasnalis. Hay month, July.
Mensis imbrium. Showery month, April.
Mensis magnus. The great month, i.e. June ; so called because it con-tains the longest days.
Mensis messionum. Harvest month, August.
Mensis novarum, or imbrium, April.
Mensis Paschre. The month of Easter; the Quiuzaine of Easter.
Mensis purgatorius, February ; so called because the feast of the Purification, the 2nd of February, occurs in it.
Mensis undecimus, duodecimus. With the Romans, and with the French, in the tenth century, January and February.
Mercoris dies. Wednesday.
Miserere mei, Domine. The introit and name of the sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Misericordia Dornini. The introit and name of the second Sunday after Easter.
Missa. The feast day of a saint : as, " Missa Sancti Joannis," for " Festum Sancti Joannis."

Natale, or Nativitas Domini. The birth of our Lord; the 25th of December, Festorum omnium Metropolis, says St. John of Chrysostom.
Natale S. Petri in Cathedral. The chair of St. Peter, celebrated at Rome on the 18th of January, and at Antioch on the 22nd of February.
Natale, Natalis, or Natalis dies. The day of the martyrdom or of the death of a saint, but more particularly the former. The day of the death of a saint,not being a martyr,is commonly called " Depositio," or the Deposition of a saint.
Nox. The space of twenty-four hours reckoned from one sunset to another. According to Julius Cassar and Tacitus, it was the custom of the Gauls and Germans to divide time by the number of nights. The Franks, Anglo-Saxons, and Northern nations adopted the same mode, which prevailed in some places in France so late as the the twelfth century, and does still in Italy and the East.
Nox sacrata. Easter eve.

Osanna. Palm Sunday.

Palmie, or Palinarum dies. Palm Sun-day.
Pascha. Commonly called Easter day, and sometimes Easter week, as " Paschalis dies. In some countries, especially in Italy and Spain, the teran is occasionally applied to other feasts than Easter ; the name of the feast being usually added ; as "Pascha Pentecostes," for Pentecost ; "Pascha Epiphanies," or " Pascha Epiphanio. rum," for the Epiphany, &c.
Pentecoste. This term sometimes, and chiefly in the Greek church, signifies all the Pasehal season, from Easter until Pentecost.

Quadragesima. Lent. This term, taken literally, signifies the forty fast days which precede Easter, some-times termed " Quadragesima major," the great Lent : but formerly several Lents were annually observed ; viz., in the Latin church ; first, the Lent of Easter, for forty days before Easter day ; secondly, the Lent of Pentecost, for forty days after the day of Pentecost ; and, thirdly, the Lent of Christmas, for forty days before the Nativity of our Lord. To these Lents the Greeks added those of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul, and of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin. The Jacobites, also, observed a sixth Lent, which they termed that of the Ninevites.
Quintilis mensis. The name given to the month of July, before Mark

Recapitulatio Dionisii. The Christian era, so called because it was first used by Dionisius Exiguus, or Denis le Petit. Rosacs Dominica. The fourth Sunday of Lent ; and the Sunday in the octave of the ascension.

Sabbatum. Usually Saturday, or some-times the whole week : hence " una," or "prima Sabbati," for Monday, &c. Susceptio sanctae Crucis. The susception of the Holy Cross : at Paris the first Sunday of August.

TransfigaurationiIs Dominica. The second Sunday of Lent, because the Gospel of the Transfiguration of our Lord is recited on that day.
Transfigurationis Festum. The Transfiguration of our Lord ; the 6th of August.

* The rose thus consecrated was usually presented to the most distinguished individual then at Rome ; but it was occasionally sent to some foreign potentate, or other eminent personage : thus. in 1524, Henry VIII. received the consecrated rose, which formed a tree of fine gold, with branches, leaves, and flowers, set in a flower-pot of the same material, from the pontiff, Clement VII. It measured one foot in breadth and half a yard in height.—vide Hall’s Chronicle.

Antony conferred upon it that of Julius Caesar.


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