[from Proc IoMNH&ASoc vol2 #2 1923]


Mr. C. T. W. HUGHES-GAMES, President, in the Chair. Twenty-six members were present. The following were elected members: --Mr. and Mrs. G. Clarke, Mr. A. H. Tyson, Mr. J. E. Teare and Mr. E. Grandage.

The Treasurer's Statement and Report of the General Committee were adopted.

The retiring President, Mr. Hughes-Games, took for the subject of his Address, 'The Origin and Early History and Transactions of the Society.'

Office-bearers were elected as follows :--Honorary President, Lord Raglan; President, Rev. Canon Ouine; Vice-President, Mr. Hartley; Treasurer, Mr. P, G. Ralfe; Secretary, Mr. W. P. Cowlev.

The Rev. Canon Quine having taken the chair and returned thanks for his election, expressed his intention of submitting at an early date what he had to say on the subject of the Roman Survey--first of a portion of Great Britain, which took place in some places as early as the first century, and very extensively in the second century, in various parts of the Empire, as territory was incorporated, and he (Canon Quine) thought included the Isle of Man. The proofs and presumptions were very great, and certain facts could not possibly be explained, except on such an hypothesis. In studying the ordnance department of the Roman army, he had been surprised to find how completely organised their land-surveying department was, and how accurately they were able to work. Different sections of the country were surveyed at different times, and at intervals of several decades, between counties in the south and in the north. As Britain was largely covered with forests and marshes, the surveys were more or less of parts of the country suitable for laying out and developing according to the Roman idea of land tenure. Hundreds, and, perhaps, thousands of men might have had their sectional departments allotted to them. The Isle of Wight was divided between two able men, and laid out according to the Roman system of survey; and the question arose whether such a survey might not have been carried out between the Clyde and Forth, which was practically the limit of the Roman Empire; and whether there was a possibility that the Isle of Man might have been included, he (Canon Ouine) had spent a good deal of time in investigating these questions, and he hoped to develop something of value and interest, He hoped to show that there was a Roman survey, and that Man was an integral part of the Roman Kingdom. The messages had come down wonderfully unaltered; and our familiar institution, the quarterland, was nothing more nor less than the Roman quarternus of 125 acres, four units of land; sometimes applied to a farm of only three units, and also to a farm of two units, about 62 acres. The roads, standing stones, and tumulli, would be explained on understanding that our history is very much more ancient than had been thought. He had always felt a sympathetic admiration for Mr. Kermode's work, and would like the Society to think it one of its duties to strengthen his hands.

The general Committee was re-appointed, with the substitution of Mr, W. Cubbon's name for that of Dr. Tellet. The District and Sectional Secretaries were also re-appointed.

The Rev. J. Davidson was elected Delegate to the British Association.

Canon Quine presented the Report of the Archaeological Section.

Mr. G, A, Holt sent some flowermg plants taken by him in the Island the previous July, for inclusion in his Herbarium. These included: Equisetum maximum, E. limosum, E, arvense, E. sylvaticum (Glencrutchery), E. palustre (Polrose), Juncos gerardi (Mooragh), Poa compressa, var. polynoda ; introduced with garden seeds from Scotland( ?). Avena strigosa, probably introduced; Carum verticillatum (Sulby), Carex vulpina, C. muricata, C. binervis (Castleward), Scirpus fluitans, Orchis latifolia, Wahlenbergia (Sulby).

The retiring President afterwards entertained members to tea in the Mayor's parlour.

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