Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X71

Brief Description
Report on the office and jurisdiction of the Water Bailiff.
Speech of the Duke at Tynwald. Announcng his appointment as Gov. etc.
Speech of the Duke at Tynwald. re. need for a law against Treason, Perjury etc. raising money to improve the highways - holding Courts at various centres - controlling strangers - the commuting of Church Court censures into fines - to make the new church at Douglas into a Cathedral - to prevent the tarring of herring nets - the treatment of Debtors - establishment of an Assize of Bread - the clarifying of certain Acts passed in 1777
Speech of the Duke at Tynwald. re. the non-residence of the Att.-Gen. (Mr. Frankland)
Speech of the Duke at Tynwald. re. the need for changes in the laws regarding Debtors - the new coinage - the erection of public buildings.
Speech of the Duke at Tynwald. re. the embargo which had been placed on the export of grain,and the riots caused thereby.

Another version of AP_X71_6, differing in many respects,and including the remarks made by the Duke after the Court had been cleared of all strangers. In these he accused the Keys of having exceeded their rights and heaped calumnies upon himself. in a document addressed to the Lt.Gov. and based on assertions which were known to the British Government but had made "as little impression on them as the ball of an infant against the walls of Castle Rushen". He then challenges anyone to show how he,as Governor, had in any way acted injuriously to the people of the Island,and expresses his disgust with the Lt.Gov. for having received and forwarded to the Government a memorial of that type. He next called upon the men who had signed the Memorial to make good their assertions. or, if they had signed without due consideration,to withdraw their names so that they might escape the action which he would take against the others probably for the manner in which they had libelled his character.
- Copy of part of AP_X71_3. -
After mentioning the Bills to be brought forward he expresses his regret that the wish he had previously mentioned to them, that, past differences might be forgotten,had not been responded to ; again expressed regret for anything he might have done to annoy them and hoped that in the future they would be able to work together for the public good,
Duke's speech to Tynwald. Proposes the election of a Committee (four each from the Council and the Keys) to consider draft Bills (as under)
List of Bills to be considered.
Duke's speech to Tynwald. enumerating Bills to be considered - improvements in the Police force - and in the status of the Coroners.
Duke's speech to Tynwald. ( a printed copy) Regrets that the High Road Act has not been passed owing to the claim of the Keys to have a majority on the Commissioners - which the Council cannot allow - and his refusal to impose extra taxation for that purpose Regrets that the Keys have rejected the Bill for the Commutation of Tithes and hopes that a new one may be forthcoming. Informs them that the Secretary of State has ruled that "The Keys do not form a part of the Court of General Gaol Delivery.. and cannot interfere with its any way" The Secretary of State has also said that he sees no reason to alter the existing arrangements with regard to the residence of the Att.General.
Duke's speech to Tynwald. Matters to be considered.
- Copy of AP_X71_12 -


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