Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X22

Brief Description
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. welcoming him to the Island.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. The Fencible officers not having had their commissions granted until ten months after the regiment was formed had no legal control over men,who absented themselves whenever they pleased,knowing that they could not be punished. Shaw therefor suggests that the Duke should issue temporary commissions to those now being appointed until the King's come along. He wishes to promote to sergeant "the poor devil Cameron" bred in the same place as himself and for several years a sergeant in the 42nd.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. The new Colours for the Fencibles have arrived along with sundry stores and arms etc. The arms are much needed,as those which they have from the stores are in poor condition, At Ramsey the battery is not yet begun,but as the materials for the Platforms are ready for laying it should soon be finished. Guards of a Sergeant,corporal and twelve men will then be detailed for the batteries at Douglas,Ramsey and Peel, He is glad to hear that the Duke has got a good fifer "for the Irish gentleman... is but very so-so,and his instrument is bad. A few good fifes from London would be obliging us". The Duke is advised to acquaint himself with the ceremonial for the receipt of Colours by a new Regiment,as the writer fears he may have forgotten some of it. The Bishop,of course,will consecrate them.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Sundry Fencible details - mostly about new clothing.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. He thinks that Haversacks should be obtained,and considers the best kind to be those made of goatskin. The difficulty of making uniforms out of the small quantity of cloth allowed. Thirty-six tailors are at work,but they can only make forty or fortyfive uniforms a week. Like other of the lower class of Manxmen they are lazy and slow at their work.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. General news re the Fencibles.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. with proposals for the improvement of the postal service. (Missing N.M. but see AP_X21(2nd)_6)
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. General matters connected with the Fencibles and the Postal service.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Difficulty of assembling the Fencibles for drill, The trouble involved in getting a decision as to which side of the boat the herring nets are to be shot on,and the idiotic conduct of some of the Keys in this connection.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. "Certain that I enjoyed not your Grace's confidence nor regard...though conscious that I have honestly deserved them,both as His Majesty's servant and the humble friend of your Grace...and nothing left to me but....everything harsh and disagreeable in the wisest course would be to confine myself to my official duties...and to obey all orders sent by my superiors... sending them every information... useful to His Majesty's service. But never to concern myself with anything which does not officially come before me...hoping thus that if I cannot win your favourable opinion...I shall at least not give you offence". He protests that applications for an increase in his salary,which have been made by the Keys and others,were sent without his knowledge or consent.
[dated 22.1.1794 (sic)]Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Mr.Taubman asks for a commission in the Fencibles for the writer's son. The dispute between Lord Henry and Mr. Farrant of Peel,in which the latter gets little public support, though he asserts his life is in danger from the resentment of Lord Henry. The mails,which - be the weather what it may - seldom arrive in less than nine to twelve days. whilst it is a pulblic scandal that the man responsible instead of being punished is rewarded by the P.M.G. It is of importance that the Duke should get this put right, because the people are considering his power to do so as a criterion of what he could do for them in greater matters. As regards the defence of the Island, the guns have been mounted at all the towns,but except at Peel capable of using them and some artillerymen are greatly needed, A Jacobin Club is said to exist in Dougles,the principal member heing a man named Boys or Boyes. Their activities are being investigated but he would like to know what action he should take about them.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Major Taubman,who is anxious to obtain a permanent rank in the army,suggests that the Fencibles be augmented and some of them enlisted for service anywhere in Great Britain instead of only in the Island, The disposition of most of the lower orders in the Island might make thie difficult,but many of those at present serving - having acquired the habit of soldiering and confidence in their officers - would probably set an example by accepting the new terms of enlistment.
Memoranda re. the augmentation of the 1st. Royal Manx Fencibles,to be laid before the Duke by Major Taubman,
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Capt. Small. a private letter - with his views on British polities.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. re. the Bill of Assessment and its effect on the Keys,and also the need for taxation. The writer will take care that when his private opinion differs from that of the Duke,he will be at pains to see that the public is not aware of it,and he will always do what the Duke wishes. The blundering of the Keys who,though warned to go carefully,have licenced the import of foreign herrings and are now being asked to allow the export of Manx caught ones for which there is no market in the Island. This will make the English government doubt the capacity of the Keys to manage Manx affairs when left to themselves.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Major Taubman,for some unknown reason,has completely changed his views on the augmentation of the Fenciseles,and without his support it would be difficult to achieve it. If it is decided to go on with it the Duke must obtain his support by an appeal to his interests,or at least to his vanity.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Two police constables have been attacked and beaten in a barbarous manner at the instigation of two officers of Col.Craddock's Regiment.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. New clothing has arrived for the Fencibles.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. A change at the War Office will give the Duke an opportunity to put forward the state of military matters in the Island,where there is "scarce one barrel of good gunpowder in the whole Island". The men of Col. Craddock's regiment,which is being formed in the Island for the Irish Establishment,have behaved excellently under the command of a good major - but the same cannot be said for their officers. The Manx Fencibles are as good as can be expected in their circumstances,and their behaviour is excellent. Only two men have had to be punished since the regiment was formed,and they for minor offences only.
Ordnance Storekeeper to Lt.Gov. Shaw, with a statement of the atores in his charge in the I.O.M. He begs to he excused from commenting on the state of the store and magazine as he has incurred censure for doing so before, but he considers the Magazine to be unsuitable.
Inventory of Ordnance stores,weapons and ammunition in the Island.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. re the affairs of the "Thompson Charity".
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. enclosing AP_X22_20 and 21 above, The battery at Peel has been demolished by a storm,but orders have beeen received not to do anything to it until a competent officer arrives to supervise the work, That was two years ago. The reason for Major Taubman withdrawing his support for the increase in the Fencibles appears to have been that he feared it might result in Capt.Small (already a half-pay army Captain) beeing promoted and becoming senior to himself. A little flatter, from the Duke might make him change his mind again.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. The near murder of two constables by men of Col. Craddock's regiment (ses AP_X22_17 above)has been settled by a payment to them of 230 guineas. But has unfortunately caused a disagreement between the writer and Deemster Lace.
It is said that the English Parliament is bringing in a Bill with the object of increasing the number of men in the navy. What shall he do if asked to put this into effect in the Island ? The Keys,if asked to help will probably refuse,and yet without them little can be done. In this,as in other matters,he misses the help of"old Taubman" who would "stand forward - at least as far as a deal of strong speaking and perhaps ten pounds would go - at least promised. But he is very near done up and poor Quayle still more so".
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. Are surgeons in Fencible regiments entitled to half-pay ? or is the adjutant the only officer so entitled. ? If they are "that very worthy man Dr.Scott" would like to have his commission transferred to one of his sons.
Bishop Crigan to Lt.Gov. Shaw. (extract) wishing him success with the raising of more Fencibles.
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. enclosing Fencible returns for him (being in London) to present. "My wish is to have your Grace always considered as the Governor and channel of comnunication between the Island and Government...not only when you are in London...but always so long as it has no bad effect on Him Majesty's service".
Lt.Gov. Shaw to Duke. He would like the opinion of Capt. Small,which he greatly values,on what he should propose to the Keys. He is diffident of relying on his own "from not beeing sure of being supported..and from his want of influence and of power either to reward or punish" These he wants,not for himself,but for the good of the public service.


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