Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X21(2nd)

Brief Description
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. He has been blamed by some for not himself appointing a successor to the High Bailiff of Peel,but has pointed out to them that this right belongs to the Duke as Gov.-in-chief. He adds that this is quite satisfactory to him. The new Fencibles are coming on well,but should there be an alarm - as is possible - they have neither cartridges nor paper to make any. Nor are there any flints.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Enclosing the Commissioner's report on the mail packet. (Missing. N.M.) Reason for the enquiry having been asked for. Reminds the Duke that there is no internal postal service in the Island,as there should be.
Memoranda of the points to which the Commissioners enquiring into the Mail service are to direct their attention.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. The want of a High Bailiff at Peel is greatly felt,because - amongst other reasons - "we are pestered with an inundation of vagrants and sturdy beggars from a neighbouring Kingdom" and it has again become necessary to remind Masters of ships which bring such men that they will be compelled to repatriate them. In these circumstances will the Duke please say who he wishes to be appointed. A great help with the vagrants is Lt.Flushing R.N. who promptly "presses" any of them who are handed over to him. Suggests the appointment of Mr.Gawne Jr. as High Bailiff at Peel and goes on to assure the Duke that he will,never the less,always be happy to follow whatever instructions the Duke may give him,as he believes his judgement to be superior to his own.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Trivial.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Having called a meeting to discuss the poor Mail service they formulated their complaints,which he will transmit to the Postmaster-General and the Secretary of State. It seems that the Postmaster-Gen,.- relying on the false reports he has received from the man he sent to make investigations - is more inclined to support the local Postmaster (Nicholson) than reprimand him. As this is an insult to H.M.'s representatives in the Island the Duke should at once make strong representations about it.
Post Office to Shaw (copy) steps are being taken to put the Mail service in order.
J.Taubman to Marquis of Buckingham (copy) giving his views on the changes wrought about by the appointment of the Duke sas Gov.-in-Chief. Before his arrival many of theprincipal inhabitants were so alarmed by his appointment that they had thougnt of selling their properties and leaving the Island. From the instant of his arrival,however,they changed their views entirely and nothing but good will and harmony prevailed between him and the Keys. This was because he appeared to have forgotten all his former claims and to be fully satisfied with his new appointment and solicitous only to promote the interests of the Island, Despite this,however,the Keys thought it well to be cautious,and while assuring the Duke of their support for him and the Government yet withheld their full confidence until time should prove the sincerity of his professions. I am now happy to say with confidence that ...there is every reason to believe that...his appointment,instead of being a scourge...will prove to be one of the greatest blessings the King...could have conferred on us.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. He is allowing his son,who is recruiting men for his own regiment,which is going overseas,to take some from the Fencibles. There will not be many,and they are all strangers,who will be replaced by Manx men.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. The subjects which the Keys will probably discuss at their next meeting. The need to get the Game laws passed,
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Capt.Quayle has obtained swords and belts from Dublin for the officers of his "Manx Dragoon Guards" and if the Duke could get swords and pistols from the Tower for the other ranks they would soon be a "respectable,well ordered and appointed body of men". His son hopes to obtain a Company in the 39th Regt. but would we glad of any help the Duke could give him.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Recommending Mr.Hendry of Ramsey (the innkeeper. N.M.) for a post in the Gustoms,.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Clothing difficulties of the Fencibles, The Keys and general matters.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Major Cunningham is recruiting for the 58th Regt.from amongst the Fencibles. He will,of course pay the bounties of the men who enlist to replace them.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Promotions due to Lord Henry leaving the Fencibles for a Line regt. The postal service,despite the additional allowance to Mr.Nicholson,is worse than ever it was.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. General Douglas is using the Island as Headquarters for a regiment he is raising. Difficulties of accommodation and and furniture etc.
P.M.G. to Shaw. Copy of letter from Postmistress at Whitehaven (Miss Birkheed) and Mr.Freeling's report on it.
Freeling to Shaw with a Minute from the P.M.G. regarding a new Packet boat,which,if neccessary, the Lt.Gov. must be responsible for finding.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. enclosing the above two letters [AP_X21(2nd)_17 & AP_X21(2nd)_18,] General.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. General,
Lt.Gov.Shaw to P.M.G. Comments on the postal service,and a suggestion that ths contract be taken from Mr. Nicholson and let by public tender in the Island.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Comments on the postal service,and a suggestion that ths contract be taken from Mr. Nicholson and let by public tender in the Island.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. Various gentlemen have agreed to raise a subscription to provide Dragoon helmets and other small sundries for the new troop.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. "The new Troop - God bless them - are a rare set. They had got it among them that the intention was to drill them,men and horses, for a month and then draft them off to Flanders..." but when matters had been properly explained to them several more volunteers came forward. But nothing more has been heard of the subscription. The additional arms asked for have been readily granted. The Fencibles are only twelve men short of their establishment. One of them who has gone to Ireland on leave has been offered 10/6d for every good recruit he brings back with him.
Lt.Gov.Shaw to Duke. All the new troop,with the exception of eight men,have agreed to provide their own uniforms,and these if necessary can probably be replaced by men who will.
Shaw to Postoffice. (copy) While not doubting the P.M.G's wish to improve matters he is convinced that this can be done only by having a new boat under new management.


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