Atholl Papers Bundle AP_X20

Brief Description
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. regretting that in the opinion of the Council the Duke's suggestion of calling a meeting of four men from every parish - an ancient custom not made use of for 150 years - to consider current affairs,would not be advisable
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. re the evidence produced to a Commission which hes been examining the state of the mail service. This shows the boat to be unseaworthy and the crew drunken and underpaid etc.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. asking for his nominations for vacant commissions in the 1st.Fencibles (?) and denying a rumour that he is seeking one for his son. A report on the progress of events in the Keys. The people round Peel - who would be thought the Lords of the land - resent the reservation of the game rights to the Duke;and Thomas Quayle,of London, is trying to foment ill-feeling about it. Two foreigners who visited the Island without permismion have been allowed to leave before the writer heard about them, As the times are perilous he has issued orders that all foreigners are to be questioned and their presence reported.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Major Taubman wishes to propose to the Govt. that the Manx Fencibles should be augmented and part of them made liable for service anywhere in the Kingdom. A ten guinea bounty is proposed. Shaw thinks the reason for this suggestion is thet Taubman wishes to obtain a permanent rank in the Army, and he thinks it would be difficult to obtain the men. though if it could be done such an offer from the Duke would add to his credit with the Govt. He fears,however,that Taubman - when he sees the Duke - may change the suggestion to which Shaw has agreed into one which would provide him with a seperate Corps of his own He then puts forward his own suggestions as to the organisation of an augmented Corps in two battalions and of the changes which this would necessitate in the officer ranks. He remarks that the Fencibles have proved to be a good nursery for the Regular regiments,fully half of the original Manx Corps having already joined marching regiments. If an enlarged Corps could be offered to Govt. it would dispose them favourably towards Manx affairs. The original men,enlisted for service in the U.K. in case of invasion only,would probably take on further obligations if offered a suitable bounty.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. Permission has been given for men of the Fencibles to exchange into the 58th Regt. under Major Cunningham. His application to the War Office for a grant to cover the cost of a drill ground has been refused,and he asks the Duke to press for it as ground cannot be got without renting it. The bowling green which used to be used is no longer available,and unless a new place is got he does not know where the Corps can be exercised. Reports that he has supplied an escort to take some men pressed for the Navy from Douglas to Liverpool, and hopes this is in order,being done for the general good of the Service.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Lord Henry Murray has arrived in the Island and is trying to get men of the Fencibles to enlist in a new Corps which is being raised in Scotland. This he has allowed,as being on the same footing as the recruiting being done for the 58th Regt. (see AP_X20_5) but is worried because men have not been obtained to replace them in the Fencibles,as was understood Also,he fears that Lord Henry, who is advancing them money,may find himself cheated while at the same time it may be said that Manx Fencibles engaged for service in the Island,are being forced to transfer to other Corps and serve elsewhere. What is he to do about it? Suggests that the Horsemen under Capt. Quayle should be converted into a troop of Fencible Dragoons,as is being done in England.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. There have been no mails from England for three weeks. and he has therefor had no orders with regard to a difficulty which has arisen consequent on the arrival of an officer and 28 men who say they belong to a new Regiment being raised by Gen. Douglas which is to be quartered and trained in the Island, As this is to consist of a thousand men he knows not how they are to be accommodated or fed, particularly as there is no Billiting Act in the Island. He will do his best however,and the money they will being will benefit the Island.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Regrets that owing to a misunderstanding he has had a disagreement with Lord Henry about his recruiting. He is helping Gen. Douglas's new Regt. all he can by the loan of arms for drill purposes etc. but is much perplexed as to where to find quarters for the men expected to arrive.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. He proposes to go round the Island and see what quarters he can find for the men expected for Gen. Douglas' Regt,to whom he has lent arms and instructors. Douglas,where 178 are lodged,is already complaining of being overcrowded, As he understands that the Duke and Duchess are coming to the Island he asks for early information so that he can arrange to vacate the Castle for them. His furniture is but shabby,but they are very welcome to the use of it. Complains,in a postscript,of the attitude of the Post Office towards the people in the Island.
Lt. Gov. Shaw to Ld.Walsingham re. complaints about the mail service, with an account of the loss of the packet boat which was due to her being ill-found and her crew incompetent. Bitter complaint that although a Commission has examined complaints made on the best possible authority the Postmaster in the Island (Mr. Nicholson) instead of being dismissed has been rewarded by an increase in his allowance for running the service.
Postmaster Gen. to Shaw. (copy) in reply to the above.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. defending his actions with regard to Lord Henry. The whole affair may be blamed on the Taubmans and their connections, who were annoyed that Lord Henry got more recruits from the Fencibles than did Major Cunningham,the former asking for men to go to his own regiment in Scotland and the latter for men to go to the West Indies (where he was not even going himself)was sufficient reason for this, though there were others also.
Shaw to Postmaster-Gen. More comments on the mail service, which is so poor that two thirds of what goes from the Island is sent by private conveyance rather than the regular packet boat.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Freeling (P.O.Surveyor) Requesting that the matter of the mails we left over until the arrival of the Gov.-in-Chief,which is expected shortly. Since the old boat was lost a new ship and a new crew have already improved matters but,in any case,he thinks the Gov. (or someone deputed by him) should have a right to inspect the boat used and determine ite sailings etc. Mr.Nicholson, though civil to him is generally regarded as wrong headed, obstinate and proud man who is aggravated by a termagant of a wife.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. The Manx Cavalry made a very tolerable appearance at Tynwald,in decent uniforms, except the Kk. Braddan detachment. Their arms have arrived,but will not be issued until ordered, He hopes the Duke will come soon but,until he does,he will with the help of Deemster Lace and Mr.Heywood, do all he can to lessen the tasks which await his arrival. The question of shooting the herring nets in a uniform manner has like to have bred an affray between the North and South sides, neither beeing willing to yield to the other owing to the ridiculous Party spirit which exists amongst all classes. It has at last been decided that the question - whether the nets shall be shot on the port or starboard side of the boat - shall be decided by the vote of the boat-masters. A suggested subscription to help various fishing matters fell on deaf ears "The truth is that we cannot here put our hands in our pockets but for ale or grog".
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Praises Deemster Lace. Character of Mr.Stowell and Mr.Gawn. Suggests a way by which to please Major Taubman - now growing old.The Fencibles at Douglas have had to be reinforced to enable them to keep order amongst the Irish troops now in the Island. An unpleasant business, but worth while,for they have spent some £10,000 in the Island. Complaints are being made of the slowness of progress in the building of Douglas Pier, which looks as if it would be but two thirds finished by the time the money for it is exhausted.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Sir Wadsworth Busk's absence calls for the appointment of a new Attorney-General,and Mr.Kelly is suggested. The desirability of putting Manxmen in posts such as this is advocated. The writer thinks it should be done in all cases except those connected with the Revenue. Mark H. Quayle is suggested as Clerk of the Rolls.
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. Owing to the failure of the herring fishery the import of 1,000 barrels of foreign herrings has been authorised,while the export of most kinds of provisions has been prohibited, Amongst various business to be considered by the Keys is a suggested Lottery. This will be proposed by Mr. Cosnahan, but "I have I believe got that little sinner round by a little smooth and confidential palavre,but if he is to be managed by laying hold of his vanity I'm not sure that he is always to be relied on except where his own interests are concerned". The payment of 10/6 a day to such Keys as will accept it is to be proposed for when they are employed or serving on Committees,
Lt. Gov.Shaw to Duke. re the appotntment of a High Balliff at Ramsey.
J.F.Crellin to Shaw. re appointments to commissions in the new Fencible companies.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. Trivial
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. with the Monthly Return for the 1st. Royal Manx Fencibles.
Monthly Return of 1st. Bn.Royal Manx Fencibles. Col. The Duke of Atholl. Lt.Col. A Shaw. 12 Officers,315 Rank and File.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. The Keys, having reason neither to fear nor expect favours from him,pay but little attention to what he says to them. But there is discontent in the Island,and murmuring amongst the best people. The herring fishery,which in an average season brings in some £56,000,and is the favourite pursuit of the people,should receive as much encouragement from Govt. as is possible. It is sad to see smuggling carried on openly in broad daylight and "sinners of divers sorts finding an asylum in the Island from their creditors ...showing a bad example to the local youths...and circulating large numbers of forged banknotes".
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. More subalterns are needed for the Fencibles. A glut of base copper money is causing hardship to the poor and the small traders.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. A contribution (for National Defence ? N.M.) having been suggested it has been decided to ask people to give what they can anonymously - which is likely to produce but little. The Fencibles,however have contributed a month's pay from all officers and eight days from other ranks - £256 in all.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. Asks that the vicarage of Kk.Onchan may be given to the Rev.James Gelling,a most worthy young man who is "at present starving,with a wife and four children, on his poor pittancee from the Academic Fund".
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. Gives his opinion that Quillin (one of the Keys,with extensive Manx connections)is more deserving ef a Lieutenant's commission in the Fencibles than B.Wilson (a much younger man and the Collector's clerk) Smuggling methods connected with wine and Irish whisky. When the last copper coinage was issued it is said that his predecessor made £300 out of it. A large sum is now needed,and payment of the Fencibles pay would put it in circulation.
Lt. Gov..Shaw to Duke. Comments on the suitability of the Calf as a Prisoner-of-war depot and the possible use of Peel Castle or Fort Island instead.


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