Atholl Papers Bundle AP_28

Brief Description
AP_28_1 25.11.1827 Mr.Vignolle to Mr.Courtenay (Extract) re, the total unenclosed and unappropriated land in the Island about to be ceded by the Duke to the Govt.
AP_28_2 n.d. Mr.Vignolle's measuremants of the Mountains and Warrens. etc. Set out by parishes in detail.
copy of AP_28_2.
AP_28_4 n.d. Abstract of the above figures.
AP_28_5 n.d. List of Quarterlands and Intacks held by Members of the House of Keys.
AP_28_6 n.d. copy of AP_28_5.
AP_28_7 n.d. Intacks licenced to be enclosed within the last 20 years.
AP_28_8 n.d. Observations on 20,000 acres of ungranted land,with copy of a plan. (Missing N.M.)
AP_28_9 n.d. List of new Intacks granted to various persons. (Includes one to Mr.Scott for "a parcel of land originally called the Lord's Hill and afterwards Black's and the Duke's House,and sold by His Grace to Mr.Scott in April 1809" also" a House adjoining the said Duke's House called the Lord's old Warehouse" Also includes copy of a grant from the Duke to Deemster P.J.Heywood 3.5.1769 authorising him to enclose the Nunnery Lake,of which the history is given. N M.)
AP_28_10 n.d. List of Intacks licenced between 1703 and 1774.
AP_28_11 n.d. Extract from Parr's Abstracts as to how Inclosures and Intacks shall be taken in and rented,
copy of AP_28_12.
copy of AP_28_12.
AP_28_14 n.d. Note of referenees in Mills' Statute Laws to the Unappropriated Lands.
AP_28_15 n.d. Observations on Unappropriated or Ungranted Lands, By Duke of Atholl.
AP_28_16 n.d. Further Observations by Duke on Unappropriated Lands.
AP_28_17 n.d. Observations by the Duke on his rights to the Game in the Island.
AP_28_18 n.d. Observations by the Duke as to the legal grounds on which his claim to the Game in the Island were based.
AP_28_19 n.d. Extract from Parr's Abstracts and Mills' Statute Laws relative to the Forester end his duties,in particular those regarding stray sheep,


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