[courtesy Sally Ann Kinley]

South Side Sale, October 1729 #17 Rushen

John Waterson & Marjery his wife to John Kinley - Sale

Know all men by these presents that I John Waterson and Margery
Waterson my Wife of Corvalley in the parish of KK Christ Rushin
for diverse good causes and valuable consideration us there unto moving
but more Especially for and in consideration of the full and intire Sum of
ten: pounds five Shillings manks valleu to be paid at or before the
Delivery of this presents at and from the hands John Kinley of KK Arbory
have Given Granted Alinated passed over and Sold and do by these presents
Give grant alinate pass over and for ever [strikeout] absolutely Sell from
us our heirs Exrs Admrs: and Asignes a certain parcel of land in the said
parish of KK Christ Rushin commonly called and Known by the name of 
doue hollow at Spoldrick and of Cottiers quarter land in the Rowany and of
the yearly Lords Rent of Eighteen pence unto the sd John Kinley his
heires Exrs Admrs amd Asignes to have and to hould the sd premises to=
=gether with all Eastments wayes water and water courses profittes
commodityes houses and garding and advantages to the same in any belonging
or appertaining free from any incumbrance Except five pounds ten Shillings
[that] Tho Waterson hath in Mortgage upon the said premises Which money the sd John Kinley
Shall pay unto the said Thomas Waterson at the 2nd his time and term
of his morgage and the other four pounds fifteen Shillings to be paid to us
the said John Waterson and Margery my wife at the delivery of this
presents and I the said John Waterson and Margery my Wife doth hereby bind
and oblidge ourselves our heyre Exrs Admrs and Asignes the premises with its
apurtenances  to secure awarrent uphould and defend unto the said John Kinley
his heyres Exrs [obscured by fold] against the pretended title or claime of
any maner of person whome so ever the Right of out Honer lord only Excepted
and do by these presents impower and awarant the said John Kinley to Redeem
the foresaid Thomas Waterson out of his said mortgage at the end of his term
which is two years hence and We the said John Waterson and Margery my wife
doth further oblidge ourselves our heyres Exrs Admrs and Asignes to procure
and obtain the Worship officers Confirmation hereunto and to do and to per=
=form Whatsoever Else Shall be taugh necessary for the more Strenghting of these
presents according to the true Intest and meaning hereof  And for the true and faithfull
performance of all and Singular the premises every part here in contained the said
John Waterson and Margery my wife Doth binde and oblidge oursel heyres Exrs
Admrs and Asigns in the penalty or forfeiture of twenty pounds to be liveid
in the custom of all fines according to law in tastemoney Whereof We have hereunto
Subscribed our names and affixed our seales this 25 day of July 1729

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents
William Christian my mark  X        John Waterson my mark and [red seal]
Richard Harrison my mark X        Margery Waterson my mark and [red seal]

2d August 1729
Jon Waterson and his wife came this day and have Acknowledged
this Bill of Sale to be their Voluntary Act and Deed Before Me

[End of Page]

    At a Sheading Court holdn at Castle Rushen
    the 14th October 1729

The within Bill of Saile being acknowledged before
the Deemster and now openly published in Court and
no objection agt it  Therefore the same is allowed
of & confirmed according to Law.
        Cha:Moore    James Horton
                Jno Brownell
                Wm Stonier
                Dan Mcylrea

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