
Manx Genealogy Archive 2

Elusive burial

In his will signed in November 1829, John Corjeag makes a bequest to the children of “Thomas my son late deceased” [CORJEAG, John 1837 Mic E 1 0106437 (GL 751, 752)]

The first Thomas to be born to John Corjeage & Bahee Cannell, baptised 19 Aug 1787 KM, seems to be buried 12 Jul 1788 KM.

I believe the Thos Corjeag in the Will (s/o John Corjeage & Bahee Cannell c.26th July 1789 KM) to have married first Mary Cowin (m.1811-1812: Mary Corjeag bur. Mar 3 1812 KM; Will seen: CORJEAGE, Mary 1812 Mic E 1 0106415) and then Charlotte Mylecharane (m.31 Mar 1813). I have found baptisms in Kirk Michael register for three daughters to Thomas & Charlotte (Aug 1813, Oct 1814 then a big gap to March 1823) and Charlotte’s burial aged 52 in Feb 1841. I’m not aware of a will for her.

My query is, can anyone point me to a burial for Thomas Corjeag, somewhere between mid 1822 (Jane Christian bapt Mar 1823) and Nov 1829 (described as deceased in father’s will)?
I have been all through Kirk Michael register, checked Brian Lawson’s indexes and the IGI for Corjeag (various spellings) & Cavendish. He’s not in the IOMFHS burial index for Ballaugh or Jurby. Any ideas?