
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Re: Completely stumped!
In Response To: Re: Completely stumped! ()

Thanks Bruce,

We have all the info obtained from the census's.
With regards to Susan, we think her and Amy Jane are the same, thinking they decided to call her Amy Jane after the census was done.
John and Hannah were married on the Isle of Wight, so the IoM registry wouldn't have been able to get any info from that.
Charles( Charley ) is my husband's Gt Grandfather, and it's proving to be a real struggle trying to find his birth details.
I'm beginning to wonder whether John and Hannah adopted him from another family member, but even if that were true, there should be a birth located somewhere!
The IoM registry searched all regions, in both birth and baptismal records. It's just possible that they didn't register his birth. I don't know when they moved back to Wavertree, but John died in Wavertree in 1887.