
Manx Genealogy

Surnames: Teare and Mylrea


I am looking for information about a few different people who are all connected in some way by marriage.

First of all:

Margaret Teare, Philip Henry Teare and John Teare were all born in the Isle of Man, sometime around the 1860s. They all emigrated to America (specifically Moscow, Idaho) in the 1880s - 1890s. I know for sure that Margaret arrived there in about 1890 and soon after married a Danish man named Peder Christian Olesen.
Philip Henry and John Teare each bought farmland in Moscow too.
The two brothers came out here before their sister and once they were established they invited her out with her friend Margaret Mylrea.

Philip Henry married Margaret Mylrea soon after she arrived.

The reason I'm looking into these family histories is that Margaret Teare and Peder Olesen had a child called Ella Letitia Olesen. She set up a scholarship for female Manx and Danish graduates to spend a year studying at the University of Idaho. I am one of the current scholars out in Idaho and there are a lot of people out here who are interested in the family histories.

Having got in contact with a family in Moscow called the Teare Beesley's, all of the above family connections have become apparent.

Margaret Teare Beesley (who is living in Washington State today) has 3 adult sons. I'm trying to find out more about her side of the family too. Margaret Mylrea and Philip Henry Teare were her grandparents. She believes that some of her grandmother's brothers and sisters moved to Australia - but I haven't been able to find much information as yet.

Perhaps you are a Mylrea by surname or you know of the family. I'd be so appreciative to know any information about these people. I feel there must be more information somewhere on the Isle of Man - it's just finding the people in the know.

I hope someone can help!
Many thanks,
Joanne Durber