
Manx Genealogy

Re: Matthias Bridson d 1850
In Response To: Re: Matthias Bridson d 1850 ()

Hi Garth

I hope you had a great Christmas & I wish you a Happy New Year
Sorry I didn't post sooner, extra shifts as a nurse last week & normal hours over Christmas have left me little family history time recently.
To answer your questions I live in Macclesfield but am Manx born & bred & hope to retire back there.

To Christiana she died mid1846 her will is dated 30th ?? page is then unreadable, Probate 11th Dec 1846 in Douglas.
She leaves £20 each to Margaret & William on reaching 21 & husband William is Executor.
One of the witnesses was John Goldsmith who had married Christiana's eldest sister Elizabeth, 31/12/1833
Christiana's sister Isabella married a John Creer, 19/8/1847.

The family tree looking at Margaret's family is available on Ancestry, named "Granhold Gold".

There is a burial on Brian Lawson's index for Christian Christian 12 Jun 1846, at St Georges Douglas. But I haven't checked this.
IGI doesn't give us a christening for Christiana but ? 1819-21 as she is 20 on the 1841 census as is William. Burial record has her as 27.

I am able to find Margaret in 1851 living at Cordemon (Matthias Bridsons property) with Sophia Bridson who was Christiana's youngest sister & several cousins,
including Matthew Bridson the other grandchild mentioned in Matthias's will, & son of Matthias brother of Christiana.
But I am unable to find William.

Sophia married John Cooil of Arbory in 1853, who was the elder brother of my great grandfather, Richard

I hope this helps, if you want any other details or transcribed wills my email is cooil.kit@hotmail.co.uk

All the best for New Year

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Matthias Bridson d 1850
Re: Matthias Bridson d 1850
Re: Matthias Bridson d 1850