
Manx Genealogy

Re: Joseph Coleman
In Response To: Joseph Coleman *PIC* ()

Averil excellent work
I have 2 children to Matthew Garrett and Ann Cowin but no marriage for them with Margt bapt Ger 18180816 + cath bapt 1820 - I have presentments for these years and they don't appear - I can't find Matthew or Ann in 1841 IoM tho it seems that Margt (assuming correct parents) must have been in Liverpool - there are possible Matthew Garrets in German + Ballaugh but none in 1841 census on Island.
I have the will for Joseph + knew his unmarried sister moved in as housekeeper after death of wife + survived him by a couple of years - she is buried in same grave as Marg + Joseph - there is nothing on Joseph's side to link him to Island other than his wife.
I'll send you an updated CD for Xmas + include a selection of the Coleman works on it as a freebie - email me your address again as I suspect I have not kept it